Thursday, October 13, 2016

My Standing Ovation

Dear lovely people,

Somebody said “Everyone deserves a standing ovation because we all overcometh the world.

The audience was unbelievable, in front of me was the largest crowd I have ever been called to stand in front and behold, my lecture came out clean and clear. I could tell it was having the desired effect on the crowed as intended.
It was a real communion, the questions they asked me were intriguing and motivated me to pour out more. I went on and on but then every good thing must have an end. It all came to an end.
Once again, the entire hall was up on their feet and clapping. I was humbled and felt the tears run down my cheeks. My joy was at its highest resonance, I told myself “this was a real taste of success.”
Standing there and admiring the jubilating audience, one thought came through my mind:  Success doesn't just come from doing what you love, it comes when you can sell what you love doing in such a way that others can't help but sit up and notice.
As I drove home that evening, I wondered why it had to take me so long to get that simple truth into my subconscious. I decided hence to integrate it into all that I do. You can too, it works just perfectly. 

Strive to be your very best at all times and the rest will take care of themselves.

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