Friday, October 30, 2015

30 Minutes In the Molded Room

Dear lovely people,

It was 5:30 pm that evening when I walked into the moldy room burning with determination. Though everything in the room from the furniture to the carpet on the floor looked weird, it did not deter my resoluteness to tell her my mind. She has for a long time been clogging my vision, injecting me with mediocrity and ephemeralness. To say the least, she has been chocking me with obstacles, fatigue, discouragement, negative messages, laziness and you can name it.

That evening, I was determined to tell her off for once but trust me things where to be different when I stepped into the room. There she was, lying on the floor at a very odd angle and lifeless. In a flash, I had mixed feelings of pity and joy.

I felt pity for her especially realizing that with all the noise and shit she threw at me, I could drive her to her untimely death just with a little effort, well thought-out plan, persistence, diligence, tact and focus. Though sometimes, she succeeded in knocking me to the floor, I always found a way to self-motivate and bounce back stronger than before. There she was lifeless and incapable of disorienting me again.

I had feelings of joy at the same time in realizing that I hold the keys to my own liberation, that I can attain any level if I pull my power of focus, diligence, dreams, courage and patience together. I knew however that she would certainly have successors that could spring out of nowhere and try to continue her unfinished work on me but at the same time, the feeling of success that engulfed me at that moment, gave me the encouragement to dare even more faced with other personalities of her caliber.

So I learned that when you face the challenges that block you from attaining your goals with all you’ve got, success must smile at you no matter how long it takes. Nobody else is going to pull the trigger for you and not even prayers can do that if you don’t get out there and start taking action in the right direction.

As I headed for the door, my wrist watch read 6:00 pm. It was time to celebrate. I know you are wondering who she is right? Ok, let me clear the cloud. She is called FAILURE.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

You Act First!

Dear lovely people,

Psalm 37:5 (NLT), says Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him, and he will help you.” Did you get that? The statement says “commit everything you do…” as a precondition before you trust God and he will help you. That’s where millions get it all wrong. They have dreams, they have plans but they do nothing about it, they take no action so in actual fact, they commit nothing when they table their dreams and plans to God and hoping for a miracle.

At any point in life, whether you are having positive or negative outcomes, you alone took yourself there. If you are at the positive end, fine and good. Maintain yourself there or strive to move even higher but if you are at the negative end, that's not the issue. What is important is your plan and determination to make things right and to swing to the positive side of the pendulum.

Many are those who resign to crying, castigating, whaling and praying. These are the people who soon say God does not answer prayers. God answers prayers that are backed by action. You have to act first in the best way you can and leave the rest to God. I have not known an instance wherein God acted in your place. Once you focus on taking concrete actions to change your situation, God grants your request. He transforms you into a magnet of opportunity and people, you start attracting opportunities, circumstances and people relevant to your course that make you progress.

This is not to say there will be no obstacles on your path, you will have many more Nos that Yes. Let your mistakes not slow you down, have the confidence that when God designed the plan for your life, it wasn't dependent on you being perfect. Your mistakes are not a surprise to Him. As a matter of fact, sometimes, God closes some of the doors you whished open because it’s time to move forward. He sees inertia in you and knows you won’t move unless your circumstances force you. If you trust the transition and make the move, you got it right.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Your Efforts Equal Your Level Now

Dear lovely people,

In your quest for success, you will make millions of little decisions all the time, and the result of each one will be either net positive, net negative or even neutral. The more net positive decisions you can make, the better for you and the faster you move towards your goal. Net positive decisions require effort: jumping out of bed early every morning when you felt like sleeping, restarting from scratch each time you failed, accepting insults in order to learn facts about your domain etc. these are a few examples of many actions that help you feel good and bring you one step closer to your goals despite the effort they entail.

On the other hand, net negative decisions such as: hanging out with friends that don’t believe in your dream, absorbing discouraging messages from people, chasing get-rich-quick schemes, or engaging with people who have a high affinity for negativity make it difficult to reach your goals because your decisions don't make you feel good, empowered, confident and loaded with energy to push ahead. They take more out of you than they give, interfering with your energy levels, sapping your motivation, and clouding your focus.

Here is the fact! Net positive or negative outcomes don't come to people who do not ask for them. You are a magnet of either positive or negative outcomes depending on where your focus is. You give yourself a better chance to be on the positive side of the curve if you stake claim for anything that you think should be rightfully yours. This, though, does not mean you should be combative, aggressive, rude or disrespectful. It just means do not be naive when it comes to managing your plans for success.