Friday, October 23, 2015

Change Your Dance Steps Pat 2

Dear lovely people,

If you’ve read this article from Part I up to this point, then by all odds, you’ve heard the expression "If at first you don't succeed try, try again." This adage was created many decades ago and it remains true to this day. And even though many people understand it, they make the fatal mistake of using the same approach although their original approach was not effective and so they fail after all the effort.

Some ask themselves: Why change at all? Let me explain, if you are not evolving, innovating, growing, or reinventing yourself and our processes, then trust me, you are predisposed to failing. The world is filled with people who live in their dreams and unable to transform them into a physical reality. Millions are those who have grown organizations to great heights only to have their fortunes plummet because they were unable to transform themselves or their businesses as times changed.

Here is exactly what some people don’t like to hear; it takes time and an unbelievable amount of effort to take yourself or your business to a new level. You just have to change constantly in order to implement new processes, adopt new technologies, shift strategic direction, dump strategies that don’t work, inject fresh thinking, or increase performance.

Change can be painful and, unfortunately, many fall short of expectations. The good news is that a planned, focused, disciplined approach to handle change whether at your individual level or in your business, can greatly enhance the likelihood of success.

Once again, I agree that it’s critical to keep trying in the face of adversity when you don't get your intended result. After all, persistence is a key skill right? At the same time, many people who are persistent don’t get the right results because they keep using the same tired techniques. On the other hand, successful people know the importance of persistence and equally know that the key is to change your strategy every time you reach a brick wall.

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