Thursday, July 23, 2015

Grow The Roots Of Your Success

Dear lovely people,

Jonas was the proud owner of a giant tree that produced an abundant supply of fruit. Everyone marveled at its ability to produce a record harvest each year. Jonas sold his fruit at the local market and became one of the wealthiest men in town and he was the envy of all who knew him. He was invited to all popular ceremonies in town, and his children moved about shoulders high.

However, as the years passed, Jonas spent so much of his time counting and selling his fruit that he forgot to nourish the root. He became so prideful and focused on results that he neglected to see the signs that the tree was dying. Then one day when Jonas went to pick fruit from his tree he was shocked to discover that the tree was unfruitful. “How could this be,” he asked himself an obviously late question? But when he inspected the root he found his answer. The root had dried up.  He was so focused on the fruit that he neglected the root. He wished there was something he could do but it was too late. It was a lesson he would never forget!

Familiar account isn’t it? So how about you? Do you focus on the numbers, the outcomes and the fruit? Or do you focus on the purpose, people, innovation, culture and root of your success. Always remember the amount of fruit we produce is just an outcome and measurement of how well we are nurturing our root. If we take care of our root we’ll always have an abundant supply of fruit. Ignore the root and say goodbye to the fruit.

A central part of taking care of the roots is developing the capacity to remain holistically committed to your course. As much as we'd like to think that overall goal, mission statements motivate, it's impossible to create commitment in another person. Commitment emerges from each individual's personal reasons why he or she wants to accomplish something. Commitment is the same thing as motivation. It sustains you when you're not sure whether your actions will pay off. It carries you along through the difficult times and vaults you forward during the good times. Without commitment, people never summon up the courage required to consistently take action. Worst case, they sit and wait for other people to tell them what to do. And that's the definition of business failure. Jonas waited for people to tell him the roots of his plant were drying up and that alone landed in in the mess he found himself in.

So here's the catchphrase: people who wait on others to motivate them before they act on their goals are those who move from grace to grass rather than from grass to grace. Why? Because, disaster awaits anybody who fails to fully understand that commitment begets courage that kindles action needed to attain success.

Right but, a billion dollar question begs for an answer: How do you consistently create more commitment? Easy: Decide what your life is all about, here I am referring to your definite purpose in life and tie your day-to-day activities to that purpose. It may be something as exalted as caring for the roots. The more clearly you know your purpose, the greater your commitment, the greater your motivation, the more action you'll take, and the greater success you'll achieve.

Joyce Mayer invites us to “Consider a tree for a moment. As beautiful as trees are to look at, we don't see what goes on underground - as they grow roots. Trees must develop deep roots in order to grow strong and produce their beauty. But we don't see the roots. We just see and enjoy the beauty. In much the same way, what goes on inside of us is like the roots of a tree.”

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Infatuation – Success! What a Mix

Dear lovely people,

One year later, I was still confused! Was it love or just an infatuation? I lived in Bamenda when all these started, I used to hear people talk of this girl, she was handsome if you know what I mean, smart, etc…. then I started talking about her too, we became so close that I never thought my friends will start teasing us. They started pairing us and teased us to the maximum. Then we stopped speaking to each other. This teasing eventually made us fall for each other and it was no more than an infatuation. We had one thing in common. We both needed each other and trust me, I felt like I needed her more. Sometimes I felt like she was there watching me adore her in my sayings, articles, poetry and praises.

Everywhere I sat down to think about her, I felt like my feet rested on the foot-rest bar under her chair, her first words to me when we met where, “Oh, hi!  You’re new to all of this!” I exclaimed “And your door was open when I knocked so I came in!”

“Oh, I beg your pardon!  So it is!”  She looked at me in the eyes, zipped up and wasn’t looking where her chair was, sat down - falling on her rump upon the floor!

“I’m so sorry!  I had my feet under your chair!”  I laughed!

“I’d better look at my chair from now on!”

I fell madly in love!  She showed me a series of things to do in order to stay motivated, I felt like I just started a new and exciting study program.  Whenever we met, she had a quick smile and greeting for me.  Her voice resounded in my head first thing in the morning and the rest of the day.  To me, she was a rock star! Then, she asked me to attend a personality development program.  I accepted and started going to meetings with her.  I did everything she recommended that will keep us glued.

To say the least, we dated.  It took her four months before she kissed me.  She didn’t ask me to visit, so I asked her.  My dark hair was shaved professionally and curled atop.  The curly hair brushed to an attractive alignment.  We dated just the two of us.  She kept teasing me about my posture, frankness and determination.  She poked me in the ribs elbow and index finger.

“Do you think if I criticize one of your cherished values, your motivation will drop?  Let’s find out!”

She made me nauseated when she made fun of my definition of focus and hard work and telling me she’s not sure my positive mental attitude is built on solid foundation. I had felt like a billion dollars in the pocket of a young entrepreneur until I was with her that night.  We ate at a restaurant, and the entire evening is a blank from then on.

She told me not to come up to her and hold hands in public because she was coveted by millions and that could attract nuisance for me and besides, she needed to be friends with everybody men and women, alike! I told myself, if we were in love, I must do my part and stick to the rules of the game rather than relegate bits of it to the background just because of what others will think or say.

She continued taking others especially men to the personality development program, she told me she was trying to bring many more people to know there are options for them to become different and better in life.  At one moment, I thought I was going stupid! “How come she wanted to improve the lives of males only?” I asked myself.

We dated one year four months.  I saw her one Friday night, and Mondays at the club, there she was with Johnathan hanging all over her, him holding her hand, and his arm was around her.

“What do you think of her and Johnathan going together now?” I was asked. A year later, she contacted me, we went over most of the things that happened the previous year. Only then did I realize I missed the point in most of the instances, she actually made me realize that all along, all she wanted was the best for me.

Every year end, she calls me for an evaluation of the year and to see how far I went that year. Trust me, keeping to her guidance, I am always on the winning side of the equation.

I guess you want to know who she is, my friend is called SUCCESS. Yes! You read it right, SUCCESS. Sometimes, success happens to you like a story of infatuation. Success, as with most things, starts with attitude. When you're struggling, a small burst of inspiration can make a huge difference.

“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” Says Vince Lombardi.

An unknown author adds that No one is going to hand me success. I must go out & get it myself. That’s why I’m here. To dominate. To conquer. Both the world, and myself.”

Monday, July 20, 2015

Success! A Slippery Concept

Dear lovely people,

Just like John McCarthy, “When I see a slippery slope, my instinct is to build a terrace.” I “Preach” success, my pleasure lies in working for success and helping others along that path but trust me, in as much as success is good, excellent and encouraged, it could be slippery grounds. Join me as we build a terrace together.

One fact is that thousands of books, workshops, courses and entire industries have risen up to serve this master – success and still it remains one of our most elusive goals, like trying to hold onto sand. Dr. O. A. Battista says “You have reached the pinnacle of success as soon as you become uninterested in money, compliments, or publicity.” Unfortunately, just the opposite often happens when something we have done is praised and rewarded. A humble heart can quickly become a swelled head.

One strange thing I have observed around me is that it is very easy to experience the blessings of God and forget how much we really need Him. When God’s grace allows us to have money in the bank, and things are going really well in life, it is so easy to forget important underpinning Christian values. After all, why would we need God when we have all of our needs met? Beware good people of having that kind of mentality in your heart. Oh, we would never say that we have no need of The Lord, but deep inside, there is that danger of forsaking The Lord with passion because His material blessings have removed the urgency of our real need for Him.

Just before Saul was anointed king, he saw himself as a member of an insignificant family in the smallest tribe of Israel (1 Sam. 9:21). Within a few years, however, he had erected a monument in his own honor and had become the supreme authority for his conduct (15:11-12). The prophet Samuel confronted Saul for his disobedience to God by reminding him, “When you were little in your own eyes, were you not head of the tribes of Israel? And did not the Lord anoint you king over Israel?” (v.17).

The truth is that, self-importance is the first step down the slippery slope of what we call success. It begins when we claim credit for God-given victories and modify His commands to suit our desires. True success is staying on God’s path by following His Word and giving Him praise instead of craving it for ourselves.

Thomas Peterffy warns “Never bend the rules. You bend the rules a little bit and then it's a slippery slope.”