Sunday, April 23, 2017

Face The Music

Dear lovely people,

Salmonella was downcast when we met that afternoon, her physique bore all imprints of a soul that had been psychologically stressed almost beyond limits. We had just been served two glasses of carrot juices, and I asked her what the problem was. I wanted to know why she looked like somebody who had been through a round rubbing tournament with all the devils in hell.

Unexpectedly, she burst out into tears, bawling terribly and almost going into fits. I sat there as if cast out of cement and struggled to give her a napkin at the same time, wondering why such a beauty would break into tears when I thought life was treating her well.

She told me, she’s read almost all of my articles, she’s attended my motivational speaking events and was trying her possible best to implement what she had learned but paradoxically, she’s been through all the troubles one can imagine. Her businesses are crumbling every day, her workers are disappointing her one after the other, her family is on her throat with all versions of disputes and worst still, she’s been through some relationships that were fashioned to ruin her than uplift her.

It all sounded like I was bracing up for motivational championship. I began with a question that brought the tears streaming down her cheeks to a complete stop. “What kind of life have you been leading?” she looked at me, deemed her eyes and ask the obvious “Do you mean living or leading?” and my response was instantaneous “both are correct”.

It turns out that Salmonella is one of those who think that when your income base starts increasing, it means you should forget some principles you had set for yourself when you were still struggling. She no longer did her check and balances, she would give-in to the least pressure and though every issues could be settled with banknotes. Her businesses no longer had the same attention she gave it in the past, was no longer that critical, matter-of-fact person she used to be. The outcome was that she allowed seemingly little things to build up overtime to become major barricades to the extent she could no longer manage them.

The fact is that we all want success in life but most people often forget that success is not necessarily measured in terms of the banknotes we have stored away in bank accounts. When the success you seek comes, you don’t have to forget about that once focused and in-control-person that you had always been. You just have to maintain your operations under control least they start working to your own disfavor. If you marry your quest for success with blind-rocking and docility, you will at one moment face the music you have intoned.

Your climb up the mountain of success and personal achievement can be tough and bone wrecking but once up there, you must keep it at the center of your mind that your fall down even beyond the bottom can be so quick and lethal that you will left with no nerve to bounce back. Maintaining yourself at the summit then becomes a full-time job.

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