Thursday, August 4, 2016

Alicetana’s Disposition

Dear lovely people,

When I met Alicetana, she was heartbroken and beaten-down by everything negative you can imagine. She looked like somebody who had an all-night fight with an unforgiving ghost. I had to tell her something, even without delving into what must have gotten her to such a level, I had to give her some much needed encouragement and so I share them with you too…

No matter what the world has given you so far, no matter the situation you are in or have been through, you must trust me when I say, they will come to you and for you. They will shower you with what they call love, kindness, affection and you name it. They will make you feel that they are there with and for you always.

One of the only ways you can surmount all of this is for you to be awake and aware, as a matter of fact, it’s a must. Just when you forget the details, about the time you take things for granted, they strike you so badly, driving the longest dagger possible into your back, your psyche, your soul and everything good about you.

You must see beyond such blindfold to be able to detect if its authentic or just a facade. Focus on making your life and exemplary story for all at all times and be your best as much as you can.

Create as little demands as possible, don’t depend entirely on external stimulus in order to operate. Develop the capacity to generate self-motivation as much as possible and almost always expect your closest associates to fail or abandon you.

At such a point, you would have negotiated the bend to lasting happiness. Smile, why not, God is in control for those who believe in his infinite love and protection. You hold the keys to you brightest future. You are the WINNER, never them.

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