Monday, January 30, 2012

What is Your Mission in Life?

Dear loving people,

Have you ever wondered what your true mission in life is? Every one of us is born into this world to serve a specific purpose. Have you ever wondered what you were born into this world to do, be, and accomplish?

You were put on this earth to do something wonderful with your life. Your job is to find out what that wonderful thing is and then throw your whole heart into doing it extremely well.

In determining your ideal mission and purpose, look back over your life and evaluate your previous successes and failures. What qualities, skills, or attributes have been mainly responsible for your successes in life to date? What have been your peak experiences or moments of highest achievement and pride, and what do these moments have in common?

If you make a list of all the things that you have done in which you are particularly proud of, you will find that there is a common thread running through each of those activities. In every case you were with a particular kind of person and you were accomplishing a particular kind of task. You were receiving a particular type of recognition from a particular kind of person, as well.

Only by evaluating past experiences and achievements, can you identify your strengths and ultimate purpose in life.

I hope you’ll take a few moments to reflect over this, it has valuable information you can use to live a more fulfilling life—and it’s my gift to you.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Develop the Audacity to Change

Dear loving people, 

I am sure you should be getting this question coming over and over as you move along the path to success. What does it take to be successful? What does it take to be successful in the worst of times? Success is not a secret. We all are successful in some area of our life. Yet success in all the areas that are important to us seems unrealistic. But is it? 

Success is linked to hope but, I have come to realize that “Hope is not a strategy” strange isn’t it? Strategy is less important than hope. If you take a close look at the way most companies and big corporations operation, you will realize that at some point of their annual planning cycle, their conference rooms are filled with managers talking about strategy.  But strategy is overrated. Real leaders focus on tactical success.  Companies that are good at execution always outperform companies that are superior at planning.  The reason, of course, is that things change. We thus, have to learn to adapt fast to the changes that must happen in our lives.

A success oriented person that embraces change, must be audacious; that is work to break the bonds of traditional, conformist and conventional thinking. To be AUDACIOUS is to stand, where you are, and know that no matter what happens around you or what trends become fashionable in any given movement, your highest purpose is to stay true to yourself and what you sincerely want.

Perhaps a 6 figure income drawn from primarily passive online revenue streams is precisely what you want. At such times, simply ask yourself questions. For example, do you marvel the perfection of your providence and adore everything you’ve cultivated; knowing full well that even more bliss is just around the corner?

If not, have the AUDACITY to make any necessary change. Change the world. But before you can change the world, you have to do the following:

Be Audacious to Think Big: Thinking big will make you more creative and your way of thinking will open up more opportunities for you and create greater possibility for obtaining your objective.

Be Audacious to Believe In Yourself: You need to believe in yourself that you are already good enough to accomplish what you set out to do. Nobody that has made a success in whatever it may be doubted themselves. Do whatever it takes to get that belief.

Do some research and find people that have done what you are setting out to do and that have made a success by doing it. This will strengthen your belief that you can also achieve success. If other people have done it, why not you? If other people have become millionaires and billionaires, why not you? Find out what they did and copy their system to achieve the same results.

Be Audacious to Share The Vision: Share the vision with people. There are people that will help you but you need to get in touch with them. If they do not know about you, how will they be able to assist you in your quest to making your dream a reality?

Be Audacious To Take Action: Once you have come this far, you need to take action. If you do not start by making things happen, then it really comes down to the fact that your reason is not strong enough. So at this point you need to take action and start.

Be Audacious to Focus On One Project At A Time: It is very important to keep in mind that you need to be focused in the sense that you should only start on one project at a time and see it through to conclusion.

It is very unlikely that you will ever succeed in anything if you try to do different things at the same time. People that have made a success in different fields have done them one at a time. Finnish one project that you start and then start the next project.

Be Audacious Never Give Up: You should never, never, never give up. 

All of the above is entirely up to you and nobody else. That is why your reason is the most important factor and the starting point to what follows that will be the determining factor whether you succeed or not.

Sometimes we exist… And forget to live. Make Things Happen. Be audacious. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Develop a Higher Ability to Get Results

Dear loving people,

Today, I provide you with some precepts that can enable you perform better and to get results faster. To begin with, you have to know that personal excellence is perhaps the most important of all invisible and intangible assets that you can acquire. 

Achieving personal excellence in your life or business requires a lifelong dedication. But once you get into the top 10% of your field, you will be one of the highest paid people in the country. You will enjoy the respect and esteem of the people around you. You will be able to live your life the way you want to live it. You will enjoy high levels of self-esteem, self-respect, and personal pride.

One key determinant of your ability to get results is your knowledge and understanding of how you can get there or how to get financial results in a competitive market. This includes your knowledge of your skills, products and services and how to sell them.

It includes your knowledge of customers and suppliers and how to deal with them. It embraces your familiarity with bankers, lawyers, accountants, and government officials and how to interact with them effectively. While this type of intellectual capital may take years to build, it is extremely valuable to your organization and your personal quest for greatness.

Your first responsibility to yourself is to develop your earning ability and your affinity to succeed to a high level. This includes achieving one major success that can condition your mind to producing more successes in the things you do. 

You do this by continually increasing your intellectual capital, by upgrading your ability to do your job, by becoming a valuable part of your organization, and by getting more and better financial results for your organization.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Your Secret To Success

Dear loving people,

Have you taken time to reflect on what the secret to success could be? Let me use this write-up to tickle your mind as you reflect on it.
Every great achievement begins with a vision, a dream of something exciting or different, a feeling that inspires and motivates you to aim higher and beyond anything that you have ever achieved before. What then is your vision for your life? Be honest to yourself, after all, it’s your success we are talking about here.

Just imagine for a moment that you have no limitations on what you can be or do. Imagine that you have all the time and all the money, all the knowledge and experience, all the skills and resources, all the friends and contacts. If you could have anything in your life, what would it be?

Project forward five years and imagine that your life is now perfect in every way. What does it look like? What are you doing? Who is there with you? Who is no longer there? Describe your ideal future as if it was perfect in every respect.

After years of searching, I read about a wise and wealthy man who wrote on the key to success. He also explained the reasons for failure and under-achievement in life. There is nothing short of truth in all that he said, his discovery about success was quite simple, as all great truths seem to be.

He said, “The key to success is for you to set one big, challenging goal and then to pay any price, overcome any obstacle, and persist through any difficulty until you finally achieve it.”
By achieving one important goal, you create a pattern, a template for success in your subconscious mind. Forever after you will be automatically directed and driven toward repeating that success in other things that you attempt. 

By overcoming adversity and achieving one great goal in any area, you will program yourself for success in other areas as well. In other words, you learn to succeed by succeeding. The more you achieve, the more you can achieve. Each success, especially the first one, builds your confidence and belief that you will be successful next time.

The fact is that you can accomplish almost any goal that you set for yourself if you persist long enough and work hard enough. The only one who can stop you is yourself. And you learn to persist by persisting in the face of great adversity when everyone around you is quitting and every fiber of your being screams at you to quit as well.

Let’s look at a practical example; when you subject certain chemicals to intense heat, the chemicals will crystallize and form a completely new substance, a new composition in which the crystallization process is irreversible. A lump of coal, for example, becomes a diamond under intense prolonged heat and pressure.

In the same way, you become a person of great strength by persevering in the crucible of intense difficulty until you finally succeed. Each time you force yourself to persevere, rather than giving up, your character “crystallizes” at a new, higher level. Eventually, you reach the point where you become unstoppable... 

... but no one starts out as a diamond. It's the early process of motivating yourself to set and achieve that FIRST goal that moves you one step closer to becoming a diamond and one step further from a lump of coal.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Attitude is Essential to Success

Dear loving people,

Has it occurred to you that anyone, regardless of education, can learn how to be successful in life? That is what Living Lectures is all about, to teach you the success principles in life mindful of the fact that the experience can only be yours. I have reasons to think that irrespective of your intellectual capacity, you can become successful if you stick to the rules and take a firm decision to make it in life. Making a firm decision however begins with adopting a new way of looking at the world. In other words, you need to start thinking success and think like a successful person.

Living Lectures is designed to teach you how to "think success." It doesn’t matter what you are now, even if you have been such a failure in the past, thinking success hence is a matter of reshaping the way you think and the way you do the things you have to do.

The very first thing you have to come to grips with is the fact that you have to be convinced your present situation needs to change for the better. Once you sincerely know that what is happening all around you is not all what you deserve, that you are worth a fair share of the gifts of nature and that you can become better than what you are presently, it fires the desire you need to move ahead.

On the other hand, if you surrender to mediocrity, and accept your present status as all you can get out of life, no amount of talking or wishing will get you out of such a pit. You need to be sick and tired of what is happening around you and the marginal life you are presently living, only then can you be prepared to face genuine change.

Accepting to change gives room for effective goal setting. It has been said many times, and it is worth saying again: You can't get to where you are going unless you know where it is. Goals are the stepping stones to success. When set up properly, they are the ultimate success tools - they allow us to design and achieve optimal levels of satisfaction and happiness in all areas of our lives. Unfortunately, too many people misunderstand the process, and as a result, never achieve the results they are hoping for.

One of the biggest traps that beginners on the path of success fall into is depending on and or especially playing with their emotions. They get confused between empathy and sympathy when challenges and obstacles hit them in the face. The trick is to face the future objectively once you decide to make a change with or without obstacles and not depending on your personal feelings.

A crystal example is a young business man who is suffering the pangs of over taxing by the local tax system in place. Naturally, almost everyone feels sympathetic for the over taxed young business man who at extremes supports a huge dependent family. They tend to think that such a young business man with all his troubles and social responsibilities inherent should not be taxed that much because they promote the economy. 

However, real life situations as such demonstrate that some of the times, you should work at getting your economy better even when that of the state is apparently not working out and that you don’t have to give up simply because things are not working according to plan but that you should rather set to work than giving in to empathy. 

The fact here is that while you may not be able to get the national economy any better, you can always get your economy better such that supporting your social responsibilities no longer becomes an issue.

In all you do, be aware that succeeding in life is facing reality head-on; there is no time when things will be at their optimum but you can get your things and your life to the optimum if you set your sights high and commit to it. This, you need to demonstrate through action that it works by taking the right action.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Goals vs Wishes

Dear loving people,

Many are those who continuously think that goals are the same as wishes. Get it now from me, there is a huge difference. A wish is passive, it is something you hope will come to you without any effort on your part. On the other hand, a goal is an intention, it is active and it’s something you actively pursue by taking deliberate and conscious action toward. As a general rule, wishes do not come true until you convert them into goals.

Whenever we set a goal, we create an intention to accomplish a specific result. The process works by creating a focus point for our thoughts and behavior. This focus point gives us direction, and allows us to move toward what we want, and to simultaneously let go of what we don’t want!

In other words, a good deal of our negativity and procrastination are naturally replaced by positive thoughts and actions, simply by creating and committing to a well-defined goal. When set up properly, they stimulate our creativity, increase our energy levels, foster self-esteem and personal confidence, spur our levels of productivity, and put us on the fast-track to getting what we really want in life!

Another major distinguishing factor between a goal and a wish is that a goal is backed up by an organized plan to accomplish a specific result. Such a plan should:

1.      Define what you really want in life
2.    Commit all you have to it
3.    Work with limitations and obstacles
4.    Create a feasible action plan

As a person determined to succeed, you must have it in mind that success is never an accident. In order to achieve the results you want in life, it is essential to consistently take action.