Monday, January 30, 2012

What is Your Mission in Life?

Dear loving people,

Have you ever wondered what your true mission in life is? Every one of us is born into this world to serve a specific purpose. Have you ever wondered what you were born into this world to do, be, and accomplish?

You were put on this earth to do something wonderful with your life. Your job is to find out what that wonderful thing is and then throw your whole heart into doing it extremely well.

In determining your ideal mission and purpose, look back over your life and evaluate your previous successes and failures. What qualities, skills, or attributes have been mainly responsible for your successes in life to date? What have been your peak experiences or moments of highest achievement and pride, and what do these moments have in common?

If you make a list of all the things that you have done in which you are particularly proud of, you will find that there is a common thread running through each of those activities. In every case you were with a particular kind of person and you were accomplishing a particular kind of task. You were receiving a particular type of recognition from a particular kind of person, as well.

Only by evaluating past experiences and achievements, can you identify your strengths and ultimate purpose in life.

I hope you’ll take a few moments to reflect over this, it has valuable information you can use to live a more fulfilling life—and it’s my gift to you.

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