Saturday, January 7, 2012

Goals vs Wishes

Dear loving people,

Many are those who continuously think that goals are the same as wishes. Get it now from me, there is a huge difference. A wish is passive, it is something you hope will come to you without any effort on your part. On the other hand, a goal is an intention, it is active and it’s something you actively pursue by taking deliberate and conscious action toward. As a general rule, wishes do not come true until you convert them into goals.

Whenever we set a goal, we create an intention to accomplish a specific result. The process works by creating a focus point for our thoughts and behavior. This focus point gives us direction, and allows us to move toward what we want, and to simultaneously let go of what we don’t want!

In other words, a good deal of our negativity and procrastination are naturally replaced by positive thoughts and actions, simply by creating and committing to a well-defined goal. When set up properly, they stimulate our creativity, increase our energy levels, foster self-esteem and personal confidence, spur our levels of productivity, and put us on the fast-track to getting what we really want in life!

Another major distinguishing factor between a goal and a wish is that a goal is backed up by an organized plan to accomplish a specific result. Such a plan should:

1.      Define what you really want in life
2.    Commit all you have to it
3.    Work with limitations and obstacles
4.    Create a feasible action plan

As a person determined to succeed, you must have it in mind that success is never an accident. In order to achieve the results you want in life, it is essential to consistently take action.

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