Sunday, January 29, 2017

On the trails of JF Kennedy

Dear lovely people,

Permit me to get unwise for a while but then, what kind of a woman gives birth to a President? It would appear some take their time to wash their hands clean before entering the delivery room while others go in with dirty hands soiled with all what bedevils a human being. In fact just read on good people, read what a President born of a women took time off to tell his citizens. This matter is above me if you can clearly get my point… but, I have a dream…

“For of those to whom much is given, much is required. And when at some future date the high court of history sits in judgment on each of us—recording whether in our brief span of service we fulfilled our responsibilities to the state—our success or failure, in whatever office we hold, will be measured by the answers to four questions:

First, were we truly men of courage — with the courage to stand up to one’s enemies — and the courage to stand up, when necessary, to one’s associates — the courage to resist public pressure, as well as private greed?

Secondly, were we truly men of judgment —with perceptive judgment of the future as well as the past—of our mistakes as well as the mistakes of others—with enough wisdom to know what we did not know and enough candor to admit it?

Third, were we truly men of integrity — men who never ran out on either the principles in which we believed or the men who believed in us—men whom neither financial gain nor political ambition could ever divert from the fulfillment of our sacred trust?

Finally, were we truly men of dedication — with an honor mortgaged to no single individual or group, and comprised of no private obligation or aim, but devoted solely to serving the public good and the national interest?

Courage—judgment—integrity—dedication—these are the historic qualities … which, with God’s help … will characterize our Government’s conduct in the 4 stormy years that lie ahead.

Did you notice that throughout his speech as quoted, there is a passionate concentration on the first person plural? That should be the exact contrast of Africa’s time honored syndrome – an over concentration on the first person singular.

What more would a citizen ask for under the rule of a Kennedy-styled President other than just washing their hands clean so they can dine with the kings?

Monday, January 23, 2017

Ayengti And The Politics Of Suffering

Dear lovely people,

You seem as surprised about the things that happen in this country as Ayengti sitting here with me. To tell you the truth, I am as overwhelmed as ever before to find that you are surprised. But Ayengti, let me ask you, why is it that after five decades of liberal thinking, the suffering and grief in the Anglophone communities become worse? Where else in the world have you seen a country in which the governed know nothing else but undeserved suffering at all levels? Don’t you know it is common place in this country for a child to be born in a neglected health center with unthinkable infrastructure, no equipment and half-baked medical staff? I have seen pregnant women travel over 50 kilometers to go for antenatal consultation.

My God! Ayengti, so you don’t know that there are children in this country who travel lengthy distances and some crossing dangerous lakes to study in the most precarious situations of infrastructureless schools and half-backed PTA Teachers. In situations of luck, a child is taught by a teacher who studied under the right system but if you are as unfortunate as Anglophones in this country, you get taught by teachers who knows nothing about your educational system.

Of cause Ayengti, should you brave it all to the University, you are reduced to more or less a beggar because not only are you to face an educational system you know nothing about, your peasant parents are peeling off their skin to afford the exorbitant cost of housing and school needs. To make ends meet, some university students like Nchangwin engage in prostitution for money while the guys like Nebashi join gangs or get introduced into homosexual networks manned by some of the bigwigs in the country.

It’s curious Ayengti that in the midst of all these atrocities, it is said that the proletariat have no justified reason to complain and should you decide to make your voice heard by exercising your legitimate inalienable right, you become extremists mostly manipulated by individuals said to have selfish intentions and who don’t want national unity especially in diversity. Of course these same extremists become patriotic nationals when they come begging you for your votes so they can be maintained at the summit.

I must tell you Ayengti that the concept of pregnancies with infinite duration have become the best strategies used to keep the masses on the waiting bench, think of the decentralization process that has been in gestation for over two decades now or should I mention the YamendeAbakwa road? What about the Abakwa ring road? I am sure you are thinking of the Victoria deep seaport too and the list continues.

Back to the growth path of our children Ayengti, you certainly know that if you come out victorious at the end of university studies, you are plunged into an entire new world of job hunting that by itself is a vicious spiral where you have a proliferation of sexually awarded jobs and outright corruption with money. Well, it goes without saying that in most case scenarios, you end up a bike rider, taxis driver or bayam-sellam. I know many Master degree holders who serve as housekeepers not because they love the job, they have no choice. Of cause some get hooked up with more chains in the name of micro-entrepreneur loans. Loans that can only maintain you as a vulnerable hand-to-mouth citizen.

By the way Ayengti, should I mention moral decadence and evaporation of values? Do you know the destruction that bike-riding has brought onto our youths? Have you taken note of the quality of taxis we have in this country? How many times to you go to your bathroom just because you entered a taxi?

Now tell me Ayengti, is this the reason why you were created, were you born to play second fiddle to group of overzealous undermining bourgeoisies? What exceptional thing did they do to remain glorified as masters while the rest are permanently enslaved? Certainly the God that we all serve was not part of that kind of plan for your life.

God reminds you and I today as he did in the days of Jeremiah and the others “I know the Plans I have for you, plans to prosper you” and plans to make you an overcomer. You’ve got to take your destiny into your hands, you have to rise up to the challenges, the injustices, the oppression placed on your path to growth because it has become a duty and because nobody is more of a citizen in this country than you.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Determination Even In The Face Of Oppression

Dear lovely people,

Anglophones in Cameroon have been subjugated for more than five decades but then as a people, if we are going through tough times, we need to know why, and what we should be doing while in it such that we don’t become confused, frustrated and disillusioned. In the Psalms we see David go through so much and still trust and obey more than most of us could ever do. And he does this without the New Testament at his disposal, or the scores of resources and places to seek help that we have. Yet David does ask God the hard questions, but he did not stop there. David also knew God intimately and trusted him wholeheartedly even in times of severe trials, and even going through them again and again.

In times of crisis, we have to seek God’s power. Proverbs 20:13 says “Love not sleep, lest you come to poverty; open your eyes, and you will have plenty of bread.” and so I am certain that the great plans we all have for 2017 whether as individuals or a people are justified. In fact, I told myself at the very beginning of this year that 2017 is my year of action and my year of breakthrough. I pray same for you and for us as Anglophones in Cameroon but the question is what are some of the things you are doing to ensure that such a wish comes true? In order that wishes do not become horses for beggars to ride, you need to arm yourself with a technique called determination. Collective determination can mean the world for you and for us all.

Determination is a word you often hear in today's world about athletes or people overcoming complications in life. The Bible has instructions on the types and reasons for Christians to be equally determined. As followers of God and believers of Jesus Christ, we are to persevere through trials, use self-discipline, allow God to give us strength, and give God all of the glory. Are you finding it hard to endure today whether as a global citizen or as an Anglophone in Cameroon?

1 Corinthians 9:24-27 says “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Irrespective of the oppression brought to bear on Anglophones in Cameroon, our prize is sure. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we as a people are imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified. If every Anglophone will in Cameroon will so same, victory will be ours for ours is a just course before God and man.

Whether you are in or out of Cameroon at this particular moment, whether you stand for or against the Anglophones in Cameroon, I encourage you to lean on God and pray that as you read through this post, He gives you the strength to endure whatever form of oppression and injustice you are subjected to. Remember Galatians 6:9 which says “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”