Sunday, January 1, 2017

Press The Restart Button

Dear lovely people,

On day one of a New Year like this, I bring to you what Anne Sullivan says “Keep on beginning and failing. Each time you fail, start all over again, and you will grow stronger until you have accomplished a purpose - not the one you began with perhaps, but one you'll be glad to remember.”

I must tell you that starting over can be the best thing you can do when you really feel that you're not getting what you want or need out of life especially at the beginning of a new year. The best way to start all over is to first of all evaluate where you stand in life and what you need to change and then create a plan that takes all this into consideration.

Part of changing is to know from the beginning that you will resist the change even if it is for your own benefit. Naturally, we are all afraid of change because it's unknown; even if the current situation is not what we like but at least we're used to it and we know how to handle it. What if we couldn't deal with the change? What if it wasn't like we thought?! So, the first step is to control your fear. Change is a risk we need to take to better ourselves and our lives.

The bottom-line truth is that we human beings crave renewal. This is deeper than the trendy fascination with things that are the latest and greatest, such as the newest car or gadget. We need to feel like we can put something behind us and begin again.

There are two important facts you must know about starting over. Firstly, we start from scratch every single day of our lives. Whatever you think you accomplished yesterday, whatever you did or tried to do, whatever happened in the past, well, it is stuck in yesterday. It is irretrievable and it is not going to help you now. For example, you resisted having a drink or delicious meal yesterday. Unfortunately, you wake up and you have to do it all over again today. Yesterday is not going to help you.

On a more mundane level, you said “I love you” yesterday to your spouse, children, or parents. You acted kindly yesterday. Today is a whole new world. You cannot rest on your laurels.

Secondly, remember at all times that today is new and demanding more from you. How many times do you tell yourself, after an especially trying day, “Well, tomorrow is a new day!”? The sun is going to set, and then it is going to come up again. This too shall pass. Tomorrow, I get to start again.

It’s the beginning of a New Year. I tell myself that I need a New Year because I need a fresh start. Is it same with you? Whether we like it or not, we need to begin again and a chance to reinvent ourselves. Sometimes, we just simply need a new morning and a chance to start over.

I ask myself often, do I have to start all over again? I find no other answer than to say for better and worse, YES. Let’s embrace the reality that we can renew ourselves for the better.

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