Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Choice of Not Making a Choice

Dear loving people,

It was at her retirement that Rose realised she had spent 26 years of her professional life on the same post as Administrative Secretary of her company. Bihndoh – her colleague on the other hand recruited on the same day with Rose had grown to become Director of Operations. With much regret Rose told her friends, “You see, I made the wrong choices. I chose not to step out of my comfort zone, I was so afraid to apply for promotions or for other vacant posts; I never ventured to seek more training. I opted to remain on the same spot, doing what I thought I was best at. Bihndoh was more daring, she would try the seemingly impossible and it paid off. She’s the director of operations and here I remain, a mere secretary. Chaiiii! This world ooooh!”

This is what happens, “When you have to make a choice and don’t make it, that is in itself a choice” William James says. I don’t know what you think?” but that is an undeniable fact. Not making a choice is a choice. Letting things happen by default is a choice. If we choose to give up our right to make a choice - we have made a choice. We always have choices, even if we do not like the ones available. Not liking a choice does not mean we do not have a choice. We are constantly presented with choices. Every day we make hundreds of them, some small, some large, and some life changing. Each choice that we make shapes our lives and determines what other choices will be available to us.

Often I ask my junior colleagues what they want to do, where they plan to be in a couple of years or just how they like to spend an off-day. Guess what? Some get so embarrassed and even offended. One of them who became a close friend told me one day that at first she thought I had this boring residual people-pleasing tendency. But when she began to look at it more closely, she realized it was actually about relinquishing the tiny decisions, since inevitably there are lots of large ones that she had to make. That became an eye-opener for her.

It took me considerable time to come to terms with the concept of not choosing. At one moment, I thought I was going nuts. After all, if I did not choose, then anything that happened was not my fault. It took years for me to understand that when we don't make a choice and we simply let things happen, or we let others make our choices for us, we have given up our personal power. At times it can feel freeing to give others the opportunity to choose for us. After all, if they chose it is their responsibility, right? Wrong. Giving up the right to choose does not mean we give up responsibility. We are still responsible, even if we choose to be irresponsible.

The truth is that, every day we make countless choices that affects our lives in major ways. Do we stay with a job or take a risk and follow our dreams? Do we tell someone how we feel, or do we wait for a better time? Then there are the decisions we make by making no choice at all for example when we remain in a job that we really want to abandon, or we stay in a position even though our heart’s pulling us to another one.

At times, the only choice we have is to choose our attitude and how we will respond. These choices are powerful because they allow us the power to stay in control of the internal even if we cannot control the external. Choice is a conscience response. That response is compelling because it allows us to make choices over how we will act in any given moment. When we choose our responses, we decrease the number of times we will regret doing something that we felt we were forced to do.

Life is a constant stream of choices. That can be overwhelming and sometimes downright exhausting if we put pressure on every decision, in fear of doing the wrong thing, or making a choice and then somehow missing out because of it. These big life choices may seem completely unconnected from the tiny decisions we make about how we spend our time, but it all comes down to the same question: Do we want to take responsibility for now?

Not making a choice can be a dangerous choice. When we decide not to choose, we decide to give our personal power away. We give our power away either to a person or situation. Making a choice, even if it is only how we will respond to a situation, allows us to maintain our personal power.

Making choices, and being mindful of our choices, is important because it not only helps us maintain our personal power, but also to take responsibility for the outcome. By taking responsibility, we remove ourselves from the role of victim. Being a victim is a weak position to be in and removes choices we may otherwise have. To claim our personal power, we must make choices and accept the responsibility for those choices.

We’re the only ones who can identify what we want and then do something about it, whether it’s what we do with our evenings, what we do with our jobs, or even what we do with our lives. We can see this as something stressful, and wait it out; hoping someone or something else will tell us what’s the best course of action. Or we can tune into what we want in any given moment, knowing that no matter how things turn out, we will be happy for finding the strength to follow our instincts and choose.

Zig Ziglar says that "Every choice you make has an end result.”

Monday, November 11, 2013

Invest in a Positive Mental Attitute. It is Everything!

My dear loving people,

From my hotel window in Kigali this morning, I watched a bike rider slip off the road falling terribly onto a roadside flowerbed. He laid there for some minutes and nobody was coming to his help, he looked up and around and realising there was nobody coming, he got up, pickup his bike, examined it over, dusted himself and road off. This got me thinking...

Attitude is everything I tell you and much more, a positive attitude is a matter of choice. You can choose today to be happy or remain gloomy; you can choose to go out today and start making it or to remain a complainer. You can choose to go out there and earn clean money or to risk your life playing dirty tricks with strange men or women and end up being swallowed by snakes.

The rains will certainly spoil your day, the people you count on will fail you, those you love will break your heart, the crops you’ve grown might not produce, the economy might not improve… Yes! And very true but you have the choice to take all these challenges as positive steps towards your goal or to be defeated by them.

For example, if the rains spoil your most cherished and planned picnic and you get angry, my question becomes; is the problem with you getting angry with rain – an external condition you cannot control or the problem is with you taking the spoiled picnic with hate? You see what I mean.

The bike man made a choice. He had the choice to either remain there crying of pains and waiting for somebody to come to his help or to get up and keep on. He decided to get up and to keep on. He saw through the challenge to his days program and decided it will not stop him.

For sure trial moments will come your way, you will be beaten down over and over as you try to make progress but the difference between winners and losers is that Winners get up each time they fall and continue in a batter way while losers accept the defeat and remain in agony. While winners conquer new grounds, losers remain with the memories of past glories.

I invite you to adopt a Positive Mental Attitude today and see the difference it will make in your life.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Start Living Your Dreams before Your Dreams Leave You

Dear Loving people,

I know its been a while and no news from me. I am happy to reconect today. Here we go...


I’ve been told to make a plan, stick to it, and make it happen. I’ve been told to set a goal, set a date, and watch it come true. I’ve been told to not set a goal. I’ve been told to let your course change as you go. One thing is true, I’m happy when I’m doing things I love. When I’m happy I help others. I bring them up. In order to help others, you need to help you. But how do we help ourselves?

My people, while here on earth, follow your passion. This means becoming an expert in everything you love. Chances are, if you really enjoy doing something, you will not only have an easier time excelling at it, but you will enjoy setting aside time, each day, to polish your skills at doing the things you love. When you’re doing things you love you are re-energizing yourself. Every time you do something you love, you invest in yourself. You make yourself a better you. Ultimately you create an endless circle of productivity within your passion. Sounds simple doesn’t it.

I know that we all want to live out our dreams, and create the life we want. But it can be scary isn’t it?

1.       It’s scary to think about what will happen if we follow our hearts when it doesn’t seem very practical.
2.       It’s scary to give up the safe, predictable existence of the 9 to 5.
3.       It’s scary to do what you think you can’t do.
4.       It’s scary to think that you might fail.
5.       It’s scary when you’re not sure where to start.

I tell you, the time is now to reclaim your personal power and freedom. You could stay small, you could play it safe. But that’s not a life, that’s just existing. If you want to live on your terms, you have to stop seeking permission. The best way to get permission is to not need it. So let’s let go of…

1.       Letting our lives be dictated by fear of failing.
2.       Allowing uncertainty about where to start keep us from ever taking the first step to living our dreams.
3.       Trying to create the perfect plan or waiting for the perfect time to start your dream journey. (Here’s a hint: that time will never come.)
4.       Thinking that we have to live the way others tell us to. (We can make our own rules.)
5.       Settling for something other than what we truly want.

My dear people, life is limitless. The moment we start to think otherwise we start to put restraints on ourselves and our abilities. Too many people limit their potential because they don’t want to spend the time it requires to get to where they wan’t to be. They focus too much on the limitations of what they have which holds them back from the possibilities of what could be. Whether you’re talking about the possibilities of your career, the possibilities of your health or the possibilities of your relationships; you need to think about what you can do to achieve what it is you’re aiming for. Stop making excuses because so and so doesn’t like you, or your country doesn’t have the economic support for your business and do something. Do something meaningful and do something that defies what others thought was impossible.

But above all, learn to do one thing – start living your dreams before your dreams leave you.