Monday, November 2, 2015

When You Combine Faith And Endurance

Dear lovely people,

What is it that can keep you ahead of the millions who have plans to make it big in life just like you do? Ever care to ask yourself that question? That is how an entrepreneurial spirit operates. The surface of this planet is littered with people who had plans just like you do and who went on to face great challenges just like you do but who overcame them with faith and endurance more than millions and that kept them ahead. Whether you have plans to make yourself better or to grow your business to a world class success, there is much to learn from the lives of ordinary people who endured in spite of circumstances and made decisions that transformed them into extraordinary legends. One of such people is found in the Bible and that’s Joseph.

The story of Joseph a 17-year-old shepherd and 11th son of Jacob spans 14 chapters beginning in Genesis 37. Joseph had a pretty tough life from the moment he first brought a bad report about his brothers to their father. The animosity against Joseph peaks after he begins relating his prophetic visions showing himself one day ruling over his family.  He ends up being sold into slavery to a high-ranking Egyptian named Potiphar by his extremely jealous brothers. His father was told that he was killed by a wild animal. Because everything he touches changes into gold, Joseph excelled at his duties eventually becomes the supervisor of Potiphar’s household as one of Potiphar’s most trusted servants.

The challenges on his path to the top keeps on; Joseph was framed by his boss’s wife because he refused to sleep with her and was thrown into prison. While in prison, he is not discouraged but digs deep into his God-given abilities to interpret the dream of a prisoner who was released and restored to his position, but the guy forgot about him. Because good deeds never hide and for his wisdom, Joseph eventually became the leader of all Egypt–second only to the Pharaoh himself. When there is a famine, he is then able to save his family from starvation. Joseph transcends all the tribulations he had gone through and tells his brothers when he sees them again that, though they meant harm, God orchestrated the events to put him in a position to save them.

When you set out to make a difference in the world, there will be many distressing circumstances you find yourself in, and some of them may even be unjust, as were those in Joseph’s life. However, as we learn from the account of Joseph’s life, by enduring them, taking corrective actions, remaining faithful and accepting that God above all is ultimately in charge, you can be confident that God will reward your faithfulness in the fullness of time.

Once you decide to walk the unending path of leadership in all that you do here on earth, you should have a vision. It is such a vision that sustains you through difficult times.

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