Friday, November 13, 2015

Discard a Few Friends? Fact 02

Dear Lovely People,

After going through the positive benefits a particular friend brings into your life, it’s time to get serious about the negatives. Seek to clearly understand the negatives. How detrimental is your friend’s behavior and attitude towards your own life in general and especially towards your fondest dream? Is it going to really affect your progress, or is it likely to just be a temporary growing pain that they’ll get used to just like they’ve always gotten used to the changes life brings?

Three months later after Joseph left the hospital, he went into introspection and reexamining his friendship with Abadel and Flaski. It downed on him that Abadel had been the problem all along. It was Abadel who setup Flaski. The girl came to Flaski’s house late that fateful evening because Abedel informed her Joseph will be there. They waited late into the night to no avail and Flaski advised her to stay the night at his place because it was late and she was living in a risky neighborhood to be walking alone at night. Flaski actually slept on the couch that night, while the girl used his bedroom.

Joseph then flashed back to when the same Abadel framed him up at the job-site four months back, it was him who lied to a colleague that Joseph’s diploma is fake. He was the center of gossip at the job-site and always engaged in horrific fights most of the times they went to the nightclub.

Don’t underestimate the value of your own self-esteem or the ability of others to cut the drive right out of you with a simple comment. On a similar vein, if you’re trying to quit a destructive habit, like excessive drinking for example, you should know that old friends who still do those things and can’t seem to step away from their demons are a particularly big risk to you.

Talk to you in Fact 3 wherein we will talk about the action you need to take after having known the benefits and clearly understanding the negatives.

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