Thursday, July 7, 2016

Headed For Nowhere

Dear lovely people,

In his reflections, James ascertained himself that he has struggled for a very long time with the fact that he knows for sure he can't exist as an individual just in his little space. He thinks he hasn’t real friends, and the few acquaintances he has, don't even know the real him, just the facade that he shows them. His closest family are the only ones who know the real him.

The only goal he sees in his life, is to be famous. He is gifted at doing many things such as singing, playing musical instruments and composing great music. He equally likes acting and creative writing; to him, it's not necessarily about being famous, or wealthy. He told me at one time that he has a lot of things to say, causes to defend. He really wants to use his artistry as a channel to convey ideas but seemingly, everything else he does seems just so futile and useless. Many are the times he feels like he is not the one he wants to be, and that he obviously is missing something.

Well, that is as scary to him as it is to me equally. I know that what we want to achieve during our lives here on earth is most often not easy but then, we keep trying. It is not easy in general, but it's even harder when you're so convinced you are as lonely as James feels. Most people who succeed actually have friends and contacts that help them along the way. When you give in to feelings of loneliness, you equally start feeling as if you are not competent enough to get through what you have ahead of you to become who you really want to become.

Many people in this state just like James, have one mega fear. They are critically afraid of reaching the end of their lives having accomplished nothing. While it works for many, others can't imagine themselves behind a desk all their life, earning just what they need to live, or working on others' projects just to be able to eat at the end of the month. I have been along those lines, and do know many people are satisfied with that, but some just can't be. It's just the way they are made.

You’ve most likely heard the expression: “You have to know where you’ve been to know where you’re going.” Loneliness also serves as a life signal to indicate you’re in search of something. Sometimes, it’s when we’re in the midst of solitude that answers come from true soul searching. You have to realize that loneliness helps you face the truth. Being in the constant company of others, although comforting sometimes, can often serve as a distraction when we need to face the reality of a situation. Solitude cuts straight to the chase and forces you to deal with the problem at hand. See it as a blessing that can serve as a catalyst to set things right!

At another level, you have to be aware that you have more control than you think. Typically, when we see ourselves as heading to nowhere, it gives us an excuse to view everything we come in contact with in a negative light. Well, the truth of the matter is that you choose your attitude in every situation. No one can force a feeling upon you! It is you who has the ultimate say as to how you choose to react.

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