Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Develop the Audacity to Change

Dear loving people, 

I am sure you should be getting this question coming over and over as you move along the path to success. What does it take to be successful? What does it take to be successful in the worst of times? Success is not a secret. We all are successful in some area of our life. Yet success in all the areas that are important to us seems unrealistic. But is it? 

Success is linked to hope but, I have come to realize that “Hope is not a strategy” strange isn’t it? Strategy is less important than hope. If you take a close look at the way most companies and big corporations operation, you will realize that at some point of their annual planning cycle, their conference rooms are filled with managers talking about strategy.  But strategy is overrated. Real leaders focus on tactical success.  Companies that are good at execution always outperform companies that are superior at planning.  The reason, of course, is that things change. We thus, have to learn to adapt fast to the changes that must happen in our lives.

A success oriented person that embraces change, must be audacious; that is work to break the bonds of traditional, conformist and conventional thinking. To be AUDACIOUS is to stand, where you are, and know that no matter what happens around you or what trends become fashionable in any given movement, your highest purpose is to stay true to yourself and what you sincerely want.

Perhaps a 6 figure income drawn from primarily passive online revenue streams is precisely what you want. At such times, simply ask yourself questions. For example, do you marvel the perfection of your providence and adore everything you’ve cultivated; knowing full well that even more bliss is just around the corner?

If not, have the AUDACITY to make any necessary change. Change the world. But before you can change the world, you have to do the following:

Be Audacious to Think Big: Thinking big will make you more creative and your way of thinking will open up more opportunities for you and create greater possibility for obtaining your objective.

Be Audacious to Believe In Yourself: You need to believe in yourself that you are already good enough to accomplish what you set out to do. Nobody that has made a success in whatever it may be doubted themselves. Do whatever it takes to get that belief.

Do some research and find people that have done what you are setting out to do and that have made a success by doing it. This will strengthen your belief that you can also achieve success. If other people have done it, why not you? If other people have become millionaires and billionaires, why not you? Find out what they did and copy their system to achieve the same results.

Be Audacious to Share The Vision: Share the vision with people. There are people that will help you but you need to get in touch with them. If they do not know about you, how will they be able to assist you in your quest to making your dream a reality?

Be Audacious To Take Action: Once you have come this far, you need to take action. If you do not start by making things happen, then it really comes down to the fact that your reason is not strong enough. So at this point you need to take action and start.

Be Audacious to Focus On One Project At A Time: It is very important to keep in mind that you need to be focused in the sense that you should only start on one project at a time and see it through to conclusion.

It is very unlikely that you will ever succeed in anything if you try to do different things at the same time. People that have made a success in different fields have done them one at a time. Finnish one project that you start and then start the next project.

Be Audacious Never Give Up: You should never, never, never give up. 

All of the above is entirely up to you and nobody else. That is why your reason is the most important factor and the starting point to what follows that will be the determining factor whether you succeed or not.

Sometimes we exist… And forget to live. Make Things Happen. Be audacious. 

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