Monday, March 9, 2015

Tenacity Is Gender-blind

Dear loving people,

Today, I talk to all and especially the women who spend time and energy focusing on things that can’t really help them. I was mentored by the formidable Ngobessing Suh Romanus to be a crusader for individual achievement and success in life. As a matter of fact, Mr Ngobessing is a living compendium of personal development and I don’t know of anybody who met him and remained the same ever after.

It was in the course of my motivational speaking work that I met Acha Sabina. Sabina’s story is a clean mix of struggles, a demonstration of resolute TENACITY and quest for success.

Just like many other young girls who make themselves vulnerable to obsessive young men, she was deceived by a reckless teenager to become pregnant while in high school. The so-called boyfriend disappeared into thin air before she gave birth to a set of twins and so she was forced to abandon school to be able to care for her children.

One might have bet she was doomed to a life of poverty as a single-parent. If you took that bet, you would have lost. Sabina decided she was going to succeed despite the fact that the odds were against her. Through education and hard work, she was determined to give her children a better life. It was in her quest to give meaning to her temporally shattered life that she was directed to me for coaching. She worked extremely hard preparing for her GCE Advance Level certification from home, worked when she was not studying, received help and support from friends, family, and during our coaching sessions.

Behold, just thirteen years later today after that unplanned pregnancy, Sabina has a Masters degree in Geography, a great job and riding a comfortable car. Her life is back on rails and she’s admired by her peers.

So, how come she was able to change the hands of the clock? It’s because not only was she supported by her parents and friends as she went through University studies but she knew exactly what to do and how to seek assistance on the way. She used her unfortunate situation as an eye-opener and corrected course. At her graduation ceremony, this is what she had to say “I was challenged by the situation I found myself in years back, but I was inspired and supported relentlessly by my family and friends to complete my studies no matter those challenges so, I once more had the opportunity to change the direction of my journey and rewrite my destiny.”

Here is the point! Faced with the huddles thrown at her, she did not give up, she did go complaining about all the injustices mated on women or how the world was so unfair to women, she did not border about gender inequalities and stuffs like that not because they don’t exist but rather because she told herself she could rise above all of that. She told herself, education will do the magic and so she set to work with resolute tenacity and that’s how she made it.

Most people will tell you that tenacity is a great quality to have, especially if you're trying something challenging that takes a while to complete. Odds are, the people you admire have shown real tenacity in achieving their goals. Anything really worth doing takes persistence, perseverance, and stubborn determination. Being a great football player requires real gifts, no doubt, but even the most gifted player won't make it to the big leagues without the tenacity required to make the long, hard journey up from the minors.

And to the women, forget about all these extremist feminist tendencies of gender inequality, gender this or that, if you get the right education in any field and master your art, no man can joke with you, no man (I am talking as a man) can have the courage to trample on the rights of a women who has what it takes and who knows exactly what she doing.

Tenacity is the quality displayed by someone irrespective of gender, who just won't quit — who keeps trying until they reach their goal.

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