Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Courage is Good Music! You Must be a Good Dancer

Dear loving people,

My early school days were spent in a rural community where I met a friend – Ambenoh. He was everything but courageous. He was unable to complain to anybody, he will never ask a question in class, talk less of standing in front of the class to speak. I remember giving him a bouquet of flowers one morning to give to a girl he so admired and trust me, he bolted out of class when the expectant girl came in.

Ambenoh’s lack of courage was so severe that it spilled over into his young adult life and resulted in dysfunctional relationships, financial chaos, emotional instability and many other complications.  Looking back now, I clearly understand what happened to him. It takes resolute courage to be successful in life. I’m tempted sometimes to say it’s the root cause of success, but every time I think I’ve figured out the root of success I find something else more central. Let’s just say it’s one of the core fundamentals.

Eventually realizing what my friend suffered from and what it cost him, I preemptively worked hard to develop this attribute in me to ensure I never fall short of it. Once I got it solidly in place, everything changed. I walk with my head high and on the way to thickening my wallet as a prelude to ending up with a happy heart. I equally worked with Ambenoh so he could become courageous, trust me today, Ambenoh is married to a charming lady to whom he gave the biggest bouquet of flowers. He’s got a great job and doing presentations to huge audiences.

Courage is the secret to getting everything you want in life. Winston Churchill affirms that Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

So, what then is the difference between a good leader and a great leader? Courage of course. What makes some people crack under pressure while others seem to push themselves past their limits and succeed? Again, its courage. Why is it that some men attempt the impossible while others never get off the bed? Trust me, it’s nothing else but Courage. Courage has been the mark of great men since the dawn of time and it's not about to change anytime soon.

Faced with the same choice of action, some people stand up to face the music and accept the challenge while others shrink away and drift into oblivion. However, it's important to understand that courage is not the absence of fear but rather how one reacts to it. If you are faced with a challenge that causes the fear to build up within, you always have two options: take on the challenge or do nothing.

Should you opt to do nothing, then you have secured a permanent place in the lower house of the impoverished wherein the crumbs of life are served generously.

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