Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Be a Warrior of Your Dreams

Dear loving people,

You see, it’s so easy to dream, it’s so easy to tell the world what you want to be or about the legacy you want to leave behind when you are gone but when it comes to taking the necessary steps towards actualizing such dreams, many a people fall short.

Let me recount an adapted version of a story that I was told by elderly man in my village – we called him Papa Mathew. The account goes to demonstrate what can become of the beautiful dreams and plans people often make.

One day in a peasant community, a son came to his father for an advice: “Daddy, I can’t do it”, he said, “those practices only exhaust me, and the result doesn’t change. It must be not destined for me to become an artist and it seems to me that my dream of becoming a celebrated artist will never come true.”

The father, like many other concerned fathers looked at his son with loving eyes and said: “You know son, every person in life has a dream, a goal, a wish. They are the ones who make us do what we are doing, because it’s what we should do. We have to fight for what we believe in, what we feel. In other case, you will simply brake. Once and for all. As thought you were never there.”

“Yes, daddy, I get all of that but you see, I have this dream and you know it but despite all I have tried, its jut not working out. It’s not” interjected the son. Permit me to finish son, said the concerned father. “I understand what you are saying but, the easiest way is to quit everything and not go until the end, because the path is difficult and we are not used to inconveniences. We want everything to be easy and at once. But the wishes are momentary! This is how our dream dies, and the goal becomes unreachable.

Gradually, life becomes a routine without depth and meaning. Then one day, we try to forget and start everything from the beginning, we wait for a new day to make our life different. But new obstacles come in our way, and we stop again. We become full of despair and anger for our own impotence…

But you only need to remember one thing: never give up, fight, battle. It doesn’t matter that you have lost one battle and even dozens of battles. Life goes on! Your biggest enemies are hiding in you – laziness, fear, doubt, indecision. Be a warrior of your dream, a knight of your goal and a soldier of your wishes…and the son was happy ever after.

Times and again, you feel like giving up when things are not working according to plan. During such moments, I tell myself that I am inspired about my vision, enthused about its outcome and committed to my full creative self being expressed. All of life supports my willingness to be authentically me. I right now, am attracting all the necessary opportunities for successful living. I am always in the right place at the right time doing the right thing. I accept this demonstration as my daily experience, I give thanks for it, and so it is!

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