Tuesday, November 22, 2011

You Need Others

Dear loving people,

If you long to accomplish great and noble tasks, you first must learn to approach every task as though it were great and noble. Even the biggest project depends on the success of the smallest components. Many people downplay small details, dismissing them as "small stuff," but, in fact, our whole environment is simply an accumulation of tiny details.

Although we measure our lives in years, we live them in days, hours, minutes and seconds. Every action-every detail of our lives has bottom-line repercussions, and it's dangerous and derogatory to think of any of those details as trivial, unimportant or inconsequential. One such detail is, knowing that you need others in order to grow. It’s a detail that many people overlook.

How many times have you heard the “No one else can do the job as well as I can”  statement from people who deceive themselves all the times that they have all in control by desperately trying to prove that they are the ‘mister-know-all?’

When you start a venture be it a business, an organization, a project or a forum and as your venture grows, you’ll be adding people below you. Why did you hire them if not to help lighten your load, so you can focus on what’s most important?

The important things I am talking about here may even include your own improved quality of life. Surround yourself with good people, then give them a chance to show they can handle the responsibility.

Step back and let them take some of the weight off your shoulders. Demonstrate to them that you count on their talents and skills. Always keep in mind that people will never care how you feel until they’ve known how much you care.


  1. I agree with you absolutely and often say "if anyone is to become somebody…everyone has a role to play… no one can deny credits by one another… however minor the support from each other and regardless of any order"

  2. There you score a major point and I agree with your comment equally. As you move along, many people will walk in and out of your life. You must keep the fire alight in those who belief in what you do by showing them that you value their assistance.

    Your affection towards them is worth more than the paycheck you give them at the end of each month.

  3. Those who believe in you like you say are truely the engine that gets one going. That is why they must not be taken for granded but regarded as pillars of success in ones life. If we lean on each other and give the needed assistance all the time, we will sure make it to higher heights.

  4. You couldn't have said it better. I don't know what I would ever have become without the support of others. Right away each of my days is made by the hundreds of people who stand by me daily by reading what I write. Thank you for this post. I continue to value those who, one by one, through the love, support and fidelity, push me gradually up the ladder of success.
