Wednesday, November 30, 2011

4 Latent Success Habits in You. Develop Them!!

You need a FOS

Dear loving people,

I have observed the lives of successful people for a long time now, is it about Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Barack OBAMA, and you name them. They all have a few things in common. Reading through their stories, I kept wondering what makes them so different from others; I have tried to observe some of the winning habits that they have in common. Guess what, all of these four, are latent in you and you only need to develop them:

1.     They all have a goal at the center of their existence
I keep wondering how empty you can feel if you have no aim in life. In fact, you are lost if you do not have a particular destination to move towards. All the successful people I have observed have an objective, an end, a goal in mind. They know what they want out of this life and they commit themselves beyond imagination to achieve it. Guess what, they got it.

When you have a supreme goal in life, you have something to focus on. If you do not have a goal, you will be missing the target and lost in pathless woods. Having a definite objective to focus on, will guide you towards your final destination.

But, having a goal is not all that it takes. The journey towards your goal will be on a lengthy road paved with obstacles and so you need self-motivation. Most people, who started such a journey, gave up half way because they lacked self-motivation. Those who are highly motivated, have higher chances to break through those obstacles each time with revitalized energy.

You did basic mathematics not so? Here we go, always remember that Goal + Self-Motivation / Obstacles = SUCCESS.

This means that when you add your goal to your self-motivation and it is strong enough to overcome the obstacles you will certainly face, then you can be assured of success. The likelihood of giving up is drastically higher if your desire for success is not strong enough.

2.   They have a Fulcrum Of Success (FOS)
Your FOS could be made up of your family, friends, mentors, colleagues, or anyone who supports you and wants to see you succeed. It is easy to give up when you are alone on this journey. Form a FOS to help you along the way. Napoleon Hill calls it the Master Mind Group.

To form your FOS, select like-minded people who want to achieve similar goals. You need to choose your members carefully. Choose members who are positive, goal oriented and are pursuing similar goals to yours.

3.   Their time is everything
Time is one of our most precious resources. You can waste your money and still manage to earn it back but there isn’t any way for you to get back your time if you waste it away.
You have to be aware of how you spent your time. If you want to achieve your goals but you are spending 60% of your time watching TV and hanging-out (I learned this word the hard way) with friends, most likely you will miss-out on your goal.

Keep a time log. There are many mobile and web-based applications that can help you track where you are spending your time. I use Outlook to track my daily activities and how much time I spent on each activity and make the necessary adjustments when it calls for. If you are serious about changing your life and achieving your goal, spend more time on the essential tasks.

4.   They never give up
Except your life has an inbuilt computer precision (I doubt that) otherwise, it’s hard to hit the target with your first try. This is why successful people failed many times over and never gave up until they made it. There are many things that you don’t know how to do them and trial and error is one of the ways to help you pick up new techniques.

You can learn faster by trying faster and failing more times in a shorter period. You learn at a slower pace when you are too slow to take action. When you take timely action, you will learn at a faster rate and know what things work and what don’t. You can make the necessary adjustments along the way to make things right and move closer to your goal. If you are slow to take action, you jeopardize the whole process and slow down your progress.

You may face many frustrations during your learning process. However, Don’t Give Up. Keep on trying out new ideas that you had picked up. Keep doing those that work and kick away ideas that don’t work.

Now, do you want to make your dreams and goals come true in a simple, easier and faster way? Are you really serious to live the kind of lifestyle you desire and do you want to be more successful? With all these proven success steps that I provided, you will be able to achieve anything you want in your life...without sweat!

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