Thursday, December 1, 2011

Your Quest for Success Vs Salvation

Dear loving people,

Many of you have asked me what the connection between the quest for success and the quest for salvation could be. According to some, the quest for financial success is a kind of obstruction to the quest for salvation which seemingly is the most important in life.

 These are some of the issues we will be exploring deeper as we move along but then one thing is very clear and I must tell you. Riches are not and will never be bad; it is the usage of riches that could be bad. How you use your riches determines whether they are a blessing or a curse in your life. To you the Christian, do you know that Jesus Christ is the greatest Economist that ever lived? Who is an economist? Understand that as a human being, “you can’t think your way out”. Vernon Howard puts it beautifully below…

“You must face the absolute necessity of coming to the end of thought. Realize it is never going to do you any good at all to think your way out. If you will allow God to be your teacher instead of your thought, that is the prayer. No more trying to figure it out on the level of the intellect. You’re blocking the flow by trying to guide yourself. God will handle everything for me when there is no me to try to handle anything. Your pain is trying to tell you that you are wrong. Consent to inner transformation. Let go”.

If you don’t align your quest for success here on earth with your quest for salvation in the hereafter, it can be horrible on your side, the two go together. This might explain why Vernon Howard goes on to say you should not “…look to anyone else.”  He says that...

Within you is a center that is not a part of this world. It’s real, permanent, but it is overwhelmed by your foolish desires to always be surrounded by people. It’s small and is bluffed and intimidated, and can’t grow. Be honest. Know that you can’t live without having a lot of other people around you, including friends and enemies in your own mind. You have to have that enemy. Everything you need is inside you. You don’t have to look to anyone else on earth.”


Hmmm… a little bit philosophical and confusing isn’t it? Especially as I talk of the notion of a Fulcrum Of Success. The Bible in Proverbs 16:1 - 3 (GNT) states very clearly that “We may make our plans, but God has the last word. You may think everything you do is right, but the Lord judges your motives. Ask the Lord to bless your plans, and you will be successful in carrying them out.”


If your ACTIONS must have FAITH as underpinnings, that faith should center around your believe in God who must approve of what you plan to do on a daily basis to get successful.

1 comment:

  1. There is no contradiction between riches or earthly success and salvation. In fact, many rich people go to Heaven. It depends not only on how you use your riches but also on how you get them. If you get your riches through unscrupulous means, you get them the wrong way; and that is a way to bar your way to heaven. Yet, this is what many people do. Others get theirs the right way but misuse it. Even in the time of Jesus, there was money and he appreciated the woman who gave all that she had. It was the widow's mite; but all that she had. All our riches come from God and belong to God. Hence, we must use them for the glory of his name. This does not mean donating all our money to the Church but using it to make the world a better place: donate to the Church, do good to ourselves, bring up our children well, help other people, do good etc.
