Saturday, December 10, 2011

Move faster than the hands of your clock

Dear loving people,

Dreams are wonderful things to have and to hold onto. Dreaming is the first step towards success and fulfillment. Without a dream you can find yourself floating your way through life like a boat with a sleeping captain.

I insist that to achieve the future you want; you must identify what you really want to do and then transform your dream into reality. You can’t afford to just sit around daydreaming about what you want rather, you have to identify it, plan how to achieve it, and then transform your dream into reality. That is the path to the success you want.

Realism has often compelled us to say good-bye to some of our dreams. But optimism tells us that instead of letting go of all of these beautiful and exciting dreams, we can adapt them to circumstances and create more appropriate dreams for our current circumstances. The more optimistic we are the wider we spread the wings of our dreams, the happier we feel and the more we achieve.

Over time, some of us simply close our minds to our dreams, create more obstacles for ourselves by painfully trying to justify why we can’t achieve much,  or surrender to external forces that we could overcome were we optimistic enough and determined. Instead of justifying why you cannot change, you can choose to allow yourself to sit back and recall the wonderful feeling that dreams instill in your life. I often get so ecstatic looking back at my dreams and how far I am going.

There is one secret about the quest for success that you really need to keep permanently at the center of your mind, unless you open your mind to dreams, back them up with action and fine-tune your system to magnet opportunities, they will never be able to find you. This might be what pushed Thomas Edison to say “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”

While there is always time to start anew, never forget that the best time is NOW else, you get caught by Thomas Edison’s words “The thing I lose patience with the most is the clock. Its hands move too fast.”

Why not start today to move faster than the hands of your clock? You have all it takes and every reason to do so.

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