Monday, August 17, 2015

I can Attain You!

Dear lovely people,

There are those times when you look back at the people who have come into contact with you and realize there are two types. There are those who have so impacted your life that you wish to be in their presence for always and there are those you regret the day you ever met them. I have seen the ups and downs, I have met the best and the worse, for short, I have met the good the bad and the ugly.

But then when it comes to you, yes I mean you, goodness! I remember the day I got to know you. You were like a strange concept but then you so touched the deepest part of me. Even though your ways are so straightforward, many find you inaccessible, some get confused and even ask themselves why they have to struggle that much to get to you. But you are just you after all.

Behold, you are there in your wholeness, so easy going, open handed to welcome those who can brave it to merit you. I think of you all the times, I review my strategies all the times just to be in your bosom and for short, I go through thin and think to stay close to you.

Living with you is like rocking the clouds, it’s more like riding on a royal road along which children and adults alike call you master, the boss, patron and bow at your every gesture. When you hold my hand, my words to millions becomes gospel filled with power. Places tremble when those who have greeted your hands pass by, you become a front-line guest everywhere, even in the churches, you are given the front-line pews.

I will always remember the day I got to know you because you lighted a fire that burns in me each new day as I work to keep our relationship going. Stay close to me, hold me tight and let me for ever feel and live your fragrance. You are the one in all, the lighted path in the darkness.

I know you, you are Success, Providence, Grace and the He that is in here and the hereafter. Thank you heavenly father for making me to know there is success and that with a guided mind and hard work, I can attain you.

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