Sunday, November 27, 2011

Dreaming of Success is not Enough!!

Dear loving people,

How many times in our lives have we said the following?
If I had more time, I would have acted on my dream...
If I didn't need this job, I would have pursued my dream of...
If only I had this opportunity five years ago, I would have achieved my dream of...

There are people going through life everyday working at jobs they hate and living a life that they disown because they settled for an "If I" mindset.

What is the secret between the person who is achieving his/her dream life and the person who is just wishing for a dream life? Let’s take a look at two major sites of it:

You must understand your options and live your dreams. We have options in our life. Do we follow the road everyone else is taking or do we travel the road less traveled to achieve our dreams? We have the option to look at life's challenges as a way to find creative solutions or to look at challenges as a negative barrier to achieving one's dreams. Take the positive option to develop yourself and achieve your dreams.

You must be awake and working hard for your success rather just joining the lot who keep dreaming of success. I have known many very bright and talented people that are always talking about their next big idea, or planning their next move in fact, at one moment, I was one of them. I’ll be honest in saying that this has been driving me crazy! 

It’s great to talk and plan in life but I see these people not moving forward. When I realized how much I was missing the point, I went into the background working like crazy to correct course.

Let me tell you that people who spend time talking about their plans, can’t understand what is making their competitors the more successful than their plans. What they just don’t understand is that you have to actually do it to achieve it.

Taking action and taking risks takes guts. But trying to create a successful personality, venture or company in today’s world also takes guts.

Why not step out and take action NOW. Of course we all make mistakes in the things we do. Be brave and jump in head first. If you are always waiting for things to be right, nothing will ever happen.

And remember that the world is divided into two types of people; the people who dream of success and those wake up and work hard at succeeding.

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