Saturday, November 19, 2011

Rise To The Top

Dear lovely people,

On a Saturday like this one, I go back to one of early posts for us to reexamine it and reaffirm our personal commitments to what we truly want in life. 

As you read this now, I don't know how far you have gone with your quest for success and or financial independence, I don’t know how far you’ve gone with your burning desire to rise to the summit; be it in your business, in your spiritual life, in your marriage, in your relationships. I am not there yet but I am working on it to get there and what about you?

Always remember that mountains are climbed by those who start NOW, not by those who want to be sure the summit is conducive. This reminds me of Vernon Howard’s book – “Mystic Path to Cosmic Power” in which he uses and interesting story to provide answer to the bewildering question “What is the cause and cure of a man’s or a woman’s problems on earth?”

Vernon Howard’s says “…mankind can be likened to a large party of tourists searching for [a] new homesite. They board a train that can take them from a dry and dreary desert to a grand and lofty mountaintop. The travel guide assures them that the higher they go, the greater their capacity to see and enjoy the countryside. 

There are station stops all along the upward way. A tourist may get off and end his trip at any point he likes. He is perfectly free to cut himself short, or to continue all the way to the top.

Some get off at the first stop. They find themselves in desolate country. They settle down in secret despair.

Others go on for another station or two, then take their leave of the train. Their location is somewhat better, but, still, they settle down with a vague uneasiness.

A few others, the enduring ones, keep going. Somewhere along the early part of the journey, they made a fascinating discovery: Though the trip certainly has its challenges, the farther they go the easier it becomes. Patience and persistence present sure rewards. So they eagerly press on. As they do so, they reach the peaks of happy and unworried living. With enormous relief, they find that the mountain-top was not just something announced in the travel guide; it is real, it is there, it is theirs.”

Living Lectures present an opportunity for us to learn from each other how to get there. Come and let’s together create the ladder that will take us to where ever each and everyone of us want to go. It is about life stories, stories of falling and getting up and lessons learned; in a nutshell, it is about Anecdotes of Success.

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