Monday, November 21, 2011

Your Dreams and Goals

Loving People, 

Often a lot is said about dreams and goals, the one thing I want to emphasize is the fact that as a person seeking the best ways to success, you have got to Decide Upon Your True Dreams and Goals. A major prelude to such a decision is actually to write down your specific goals and develop a plan to reach them. Then you carry these about with you, constantly reminding yourself of them by reading them on a weekly basis.

Your program of success should be managed like a project. You know, for a project to succeed, you’ve got to conceive it, elaborate the objectives, activities, expected results, implementation, monitoring and evaluation plans. That’s exactly what this means and that's what it takes. 

You might have heard the old adage: A New Year’s resolution that isn’t written down is just a dream, and dreams are not goals.

Goals are those concrete, measurable stepping stones of achievement that track your progress towards your dreams. 

My goal is to develop Living Lectures into an outstanding venture reaching out to millions of people to make their day better. – What are your goals? You must figure them out, and write them down, there are no two ways.

This is where the success game actually begins. GOOD-LUCK!!!

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