Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Imagination - My Anecdote of Success

“What the imagination can conceive, the mind can achieve” if you did secondary school physics, then you must have heart this statement by the formidable Albert Einstein said many times over. I wonder if my physics teacher ever hand any other catchy statement other than this one and the truth is, by repeating it to us all the times, got it deep into my subconscious.

Imagination was my sanctuary and unfortunately, most often than not due to my extreme pessimism it also became my ‘prison’ limiting my true potential and aspirations. Whenever, I had negative thoughts and expected bad outcomes, they would manifest themselves, as if by magic.

I often felt self pity, defeated by the world and accepted this as my fate.  I was drifting through life without any compass or a road-map.  Only, on odd occasions would I shine and bring out a glimmer of my true potential - which was often short lived.  I would dismiss such rare wonders as sheer coincidence, a freak of nature.

But as time went on I realized that this was not the case.  I discovered that whenever I expected negative outcomes with constant and intense concentration, due to my pessimism, they would become just that. So, I thought to myself why not use that energy, that power of my imagination, my mind towards something positive.  Over the years that followed I gradually trained my thought patterns, controlling my imagination and seized control of my life.

Fast forward a few years and now, I’m picking up and have a fresh extremely positive, brighter outlook, taking in my stride any challenges that life throws my way. However, my journey to enlightenment is progressing but honestly; it wasn’t a pleasant one, often leading to much pain and personal anguish along the way. This is why we’ve got to talk about it and sort it out so that many more people don’t go through experiencing the same pain as I did.

Living Lectures is that place where we can talk about it and help each other to grow. This is my story; this is my Anecdote of Success.

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