Monday, October 22, 2012

Little Things We Ignore, That Matter

Dear loving people,

Let’s examine some of the things we take for granted and that hinder our success in many areas:

1.     Self-Awareness
Millions of people fail in life because they consciously or unconsciously insist on doing the things on a daily basis that disrupt not only their relationships but also their bodies, the mental capacity and their lives in general. They waste a greater part of their time doing things that are not productive yet time is such an asset that we all share the same amount. It does not matter whether you live in a hurt or in a villa; we all share the same amount of time. Achievers know that they must STOP wasting it!
2.   Focus
It is difficult to focus if you are not self-aware. Think back on what you have focused on for the past one week? Have you been positive all the days? It has been proven that negative thoughts attract negative patterns. It is today known that our thoughts do have actual weight and existence. This means that your negative thought do actually weigh you down! When you constantly think about something, then every opportunity that arises to get you closer to that something, you will be able to capitalize on it. That is why it is said that “you attract what you focus on most. Said another way, “God will give you what you pray about most.”

3.   Support System
You must get rid of anything that is unsupportive of your dreams. Unfortunately, there are no two ways about this; Life is too short and the world is TOO BIG to be held down any longer! When you get your spouse on board, you will have the greatest MASTERMIND ever created! You are unstoppable with the support of the one you love! Sit down, have a real conversation and get your spouse on board; you will be so powerful with this tool!
4.   Confidence
You have to be confident in yourself! You will face temporary defeat in pursuit of Success! You can bet on that but then, you must hang on if you need to make it. You have to be confident in your own ability to complete, to succeed, and to win. With This unwavering confidence you will stand taller and make the right decisions faster.
5.    Decision Making
The greatest entrepreneurs of all time have all had the ability to look at the facts, consider their resources and make a prompt decision on a situation. Napoleon Hill states that the wealthiest of men make decisions promptly and change them slowly while the poor are indecisive if ever coming to a conclusion. By making prompt decisions, you become the leader of the pack while Mr. Indecisive goes home defeated.
6.   Imagination
There would be no lights, no cars, no planes, no Television or anything else without the great imaginations of the past greatest entrepreneurs! You should be taking time every day to imagine your success, make it real in your mind, and it will become real in the world. Your imagination is one of your greatest gifts and is completely unique to you! Use it, all the times!
7.    Do it
This is where it all happens. How many times have you said you wanted to do something and didn't? Be honest and answer to yourself. Do something right now toward achieving the success you want. Start right this second. If you say later, you will always say later, do something right now. The timing is never right. Just do it, instead of figuring out reasons why not to do it? Write something right now! Do something! Do something amazing! Just go right ahead and do it because you know that what you want to do is the right thing that you must do.

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