Sunday, November 13, 2016

Fix Your Mind

Dear lovely people,

I talk to and meet so many people every day who are tired of the things that are happening around them. They tell me no matter how hard they try, they don’t get the right results in the right dosage. Things either come through at its pace or not at all. Many are those who just can understand why things keep happening to them the same way and they keep having the same results.

Everywhere I go, I meet people who tell me their businesses are going down the drain, investors telling you their finances are diminishing at an unprecedented rate, employees telling me their jobs are at a new level of boredom and job seekers on their part, tell me job opportunities keep slipping off their hands.

Here are the hard facts that many people find it hard to swallow down and before I enumerate them, you have to note that whether you accept them or not will determine how soon you get out of the problems you think you are buried in right now. Accepting is the beginning of change and change is all you need.

The greatest percentage of the challenges we dabble with in life, starts in the mind. Yes you read it right so, do you agree? Before you keep shaking your head from side to side in denial – by the way, that’s the biggest bit of the problem itself. Countless numbers of people have become legendary mental rebels. We invest considerable amounts of energy, rebelling against most of what would actually take us out of damnation if we gave it a critical second thought. An obvious question might be “what about my failing business, am I the reason there is an economic slowdown in the country?

Good question but, have you noticed too that the extent to which the adverse effects of an economic meltdown has on you, depends on how much you surrender to it? Are you putting in as much energy and know-how as needed in your business? Are your staff being treated well such that you maintain a high level of motivation within the team? And you the job seeker, are you selling your skills rightly? Have you packaged yourself well for the job you are seeking? You get my point? Instead of complaining about the economy, give it your best shot and work at getting your own economy improved.

T D Jakes vehemently says “You have to fix the mind before you can bestow the blessing.”  I can’t agree more. How fast you grow in whatever you do depends on how deep and how much you are ready to accept change. If you don’t get your mind ready to continually embrace change, feed on new thoughts from others, what happens is that your mind stagnates and becomes incapable of producing new thought patterns and so it dies along with your dreams and aspirations.

The Bible in Romans 12:2 (NIV) says “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind...”  Emphasis here is on the renewal of the mind so you can be transformed. If you keep doing things the same old way, you will keep getting the same old results that have not satisfied you for the past years.

We often get our minds clogged by mediocrity, stress, jealousy, backbiting, and inertia yet, we want to be happy, we want some magical change to happen to us. When you work on your mind so you start seeing things differently then you start understanding clearly the concept of self-renewal because until you get your mind right, every single thing you try to feed in leaks out of your mind almost immediately because of your refusal to accept change.

If you are not getting the right answers, understand that the problem is situated in your mind and not in the world around you. Get to work, fix your mind first so it can accept change and your problems will take care of themselves.

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