Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Right Mind With The Right Template

Dear lovely people,

It took Akilo ten painful years to understand what the real problem with his life was. Akilo started off well, things were on a good footing and one day, all went sour. He started facing more challenges in a series than he could ever handle – he went out of business - the business that had fed him for years in one move vanished before his very eyes. He sold his house and moved into a rented apartment.

Akilo decided to get a job. With a Masters degree, it was easy to get a job but it was not long before he found himself being fired from one job to another for lack of performance. His relationships were suffering and to make things worse, his alcoholic intake was increasing exponentially. It was evident that anything he touched seemed to melt away from his hands.

Year-in year-out, Akilo will make solid New Year resolutions to change his ways, he will seek advice from better-off people and try to implement them but before long, he will be back to square-one. Akilo for many years could not place a finger on what had become of his life. He could not understand why he will take all solid measures to improve upon his life and always found himself at the same deplorable spot all the time. He even went to his Pastor for prayers and soon started attending a couple of churches hoping to find a lasting solution and yet after all he did, things remained the same. Even with all the prayers, no miracle happened.

You might relate to Akilo’s story right now. Why is it that after taking the firm, unflinching resolution to change your life for the better, to work for your liberation from all sorts of entanglements and for a financially fulfilling future, you seem to be moving in the wrong track all the times? Why is it that you find yourself doing just those things you told yourself you will not do? Why can’t you just stick to doing the things that you really want to do?

Well, for Akilo, after dabbling with such monumental challenges in his life, the answer came to him one morning while he did his morning chores at home. He asked himself the question that many fear to ask “what will happen if I truly change my mind?” Akilo realized that if he changed his mind such that he does only what is right, he will eventually change is ways and his entire life will change.

What a realization. The only way to do this is to clearly understand that, you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool. “We often try to prove ourselves wrong as quickly as possible, because only in that way can we find progress. Get me well, I am talking about a specific, extra type of integrity that is not lying, but bending over backwards to show how you’re maybe wrong.”

It’s like a habit you want to change. How do you stop yourself from addictive alcoholism? The only way out is to decide it’s time to quit and you stop it and stay by that firm decision. There is no other way out. When you stop that original instinct or habit in you that makes you go for a bottle all the times, you will never think of one again. But if you want to stop addictive alcohol while your brain constantly replays memories of the flavor and pleasure you get in drinking alcohol, you will never quit even if you spent a year praying on it.

Everything begins in the mind. When you get your mind to change itself, every other thing changes. Think of a carpenter who truly decides and becomes a medical doctor, you find that his work place changes, most of his friends change, the things he deals with daily change. He no longer spends days cutting wood or making furniture, he rather moves around in hospitals dressed in a white robe and resolving health problems not with a hammer or nails but rather with a stethoscope.

The mind is like a computer, you can’t load-in a template to produce a book and end up with a leaflet. When you load-in the template of poverty, mediocrity, shortsightedness into your human computer that is the mind that is exactly what you get in your life. If you want progress for short, success, load-in the right template.

Trust me, there is nothing as powerful as the right mind loaded with the right templates.

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