Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Wake Up To Success

Dear loving people,

How many times have you had a dream in which you were so rich and powerful then you wake up to the reality that you might not be able to afford lunch that day? I remember sometime back when I dreamed that I had over a million in my bed drawer then I work up to reality but guess what, I spent a greater part of that day praying that it come true. It’s still to come true years after, so do you now see how some people get tempted to say God does not answer prayers?

There are those who live in their dreams hoping to wake up one morning to success, the spotlight, the cars, the houses, the fame etc. You can be sure such people truly believe it will come to pass to the extent of praying for it. Behold! No amount of prayers will move God to answer such a request. Such is not the kind of mountain that prayers can move. If your pastor told you that kind of stuff, I bet you it’s time to change your Pastor. I say this because nobody on earth can convince me that there is success without hard work.
I join Leah LaBelle to encourage you to “work hard for what you want because it won't come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. If somebody puts you down or criticizes you, just keep on believing in yourself and turn it into something positive.”  

Hard work starts with the understanding that there is a sense of control acquired from beating the inner voice. If your mind wins the battle between victim and success, things start on a high note and usually only get better. Recognizing the voice is your best defense against him. When the alarm goes off and the voice tells you that you went to bed far too late to get up this early, or that five more minutes won’t hurt, DON’T LISTEN! Those who stay in bed won’t be competition for the big guys, but they will have to watch out for you. When you are in charge of the inner voice, there will be no stopping you.

So if you beat the inner voice and start getting up just one hour earlier each morning you would gain 15 days in a year. Scary when you put it like that. How many days of our lives do we waste sleeping? I don’t know about you, but I have too much I want to achieve to waste my life in this way and that’s why I am in my office before its 6:30 AM most of the mornings. If you are time deficient, sleep less. We only need six to seven hours a night. Any more is wasting life.

You don’t agree? Here is my motivation; early risers are one step ahead of the crowd: calm, collected, and accomplished when everyone else is rushing to the office. The early bird has it under control. When you wake up early, you have more time for planning, strategic thinking, and getting organized. You will find you waste less time from being disorganized or making bad decisions. The added benefit of getting to the office first means fewer distractions from colleagues and getting done what you planned to get done. You get the point?

If you haven’t already created the habit of early rising, start tomorrow. Go to bed an hour earlier so that you won’t be too tired. It may take a couple of days to adjust and you may not feel the benefit straight away, but stick with it. Millions of super people can’t all be wrong.

President Obama has this to say “we need to steer clear of this poverty of ambition, where people want to drive fancy cars and wear nice clothes and live in nice apartments but don't want to work hard to accomplish these things. Everyone should try to realize their full potential.”

Why do I believe so much in this statement from President Obama? It is because in this life, you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate. This might explain why people who are less talented than you are richer than you. The sooner you let go of the idea that negotiating is a shady and just-plain-terrifying process, the sooner you’ll be rich, too.

Negotiation have never been the art of getting what you want and it will never be. It is the art of two parties coming towards fair terms. The goal is fairness, not “winning” a big stroke against and when you see it this way, it’s much easier to drop the “shady negotiator” image but to get to the point of negotiation, you have to primordially work extremely hard. That’s the point.

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