Friday, July 10, 2015

The Price Tag! Know it, Pay it

Dear lovely people,

Let me ask you this funny question. How does your life look like? You read it right, how does it look like? Having a safe, boring and unsatisfactory job, or consuming all your energy on building your dreams? Sitting on a chair and being a spectator, or fighting with the bulls in the arena. Accepting your life as it is and blaming the fate, or risking all for a dream?

“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” Says Vince Lombardi.

In order to receive the rich rewards of success there is a price to be paid. Unfortunately for some people and fortunately for others, there is no other way out. Many seek success, but few are willing to make the necessary investment in order to secure it. Are you one who will pay, or are you someone who wants a free ride?

I have personally found that if you are willing to pay the price required of each of us to achieve success that the rewards are richer than I could have ever imagined. It is actually not what you achieve, but what you become along the way and who you help along the way that makes it so rich and rewarding. But then just as I did, you have to convince yourself on a few points before embarking upon the success road.

Firstly, you have to be sure you can see the finish at the start: With the end in mind at the beginning, and to have it written down, you are positioning yourself for success. The dream will draw you. The goal will gird you. Don’t look at the valleys. Keep your eyes on the mountain top. The winner visualizes at the starting gate him or her passing through the tape at the end of the race. See it. Write it. Speak it. Dream it, and watch it materialize.

Secondly, convince yourself that you are up to it: Believe in myself and if you have been reading the tons of articles up to this moment, be sure I believe you are up to it. In fact, know this: I believe in you, possibly more than you believe in yourself at the moment. But simply grab a hold of my belief and use it as fuel to carry you ever forward along the success road.


I think that failure should not be stigmatized and as a matter of fact, In order to become successful, you need to understand that failure is a part of the equation.

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