Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Your Efforts Equal Your Level Now

Dear lovely people,

In your quest for success, you will make millions of little decisions all the time, and the result of each one will be either net positive, net negative or even neutral. The more net positive decisions you can make, the better for you and the faster you move towards your goal. Net positive decisions require effort: jumping out of bed early every morning when you felt like sleeping, restarting from scratch each time you failed, accepting insults in order to learn facts about your domain etc. these are a few examples of many actions that help you feel good and bring you one step closer to your goals despite the effort they entail.

On the other hand, net negative decisions such as: hanging out with friends that don’t believe in your dream, absorbing discouraging messages from people, chasing get-rich-quick schemes, or engaging with people who have a high affinity for negativity make it difficult to reach your goals because your decisions don't make you feel good, empowered, confident and loaded with energy to push ahead. They take more out of you than they give, interfering with your energy levels, sapping your motivation, and clouding your focus.

Here is the fact! Net positive or negative outcomes don't come to people who do not ask for them. You are a magnet of either positive or negative outcomes depending on where your focus is. You give yourself a better chance to be on the positive side of the curve if you stake claim for anything that you think should be rightfully yours. This, though, does not mean you should be combative, aggressive, rude or disrespectful. It just means do not be naive when it comes to managing your plans for success.

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