Monday, October 17, 2016

I Am The Best

Dear lovely people,

A few years back, I served as successful Project Manager in a prestigious world class organization. Let me share with you the reason why I was selected among twenty five tough candidates as the best person for the job.

Before the interview, I did my homework and so I knew that the interviewer’s main job was to hire the best person for the position. I clearly understood that most of the candidates that make it to the interview stage are all qualified for the job. I told myself that the winning candidate must be more than qualified, especially in a very competitive job market.

I considered the fact that every hire is a risk for the organization. I knew that my interviewer will also be taking a personal career risk in recommending me to hire. So I knew if I performed well, the Interviewer looks brilliant and gets a pat on the back but if I turn out to be worthless, the interviewer looks like a dumb and his professional reputation suffers. It was thus, clear to me that the interview was an opportunity for me to sell my interviewer on me and my status as the best person for the position. I was determined to make his job easier by convincing him that:
·         I could do the work and deliver exceptional results
·         I will fit in beautifully and be a great addition to the team
·         I possessed a combination of skills and experience that make me stand out from the crowd
·         Hiring me will make him look smart and make his life easier

With this in mind and moving forward, I did three things:
Firstly, I reviewed the job description and my resume and ask myself some pertinent questions:
·    What are the most important qualifications for this position from the organization’s perspective?
·         In which of these areas do I really shine?
·         What are my most impressive accomplishments?
·         What makes me different from the typical candidate?

Next, I selected the top four points that made the strongest argument for me and used them to structure my sales pitch ensuring that each point lucidly described the selling point with a brief explanation and example for context and bringing out what sets me apart from the competition.

Lastly in order not to sound like a robot, I did not spend time memorizing my script. I rather practiced until I felt comfortable talking about them readily.  Trust me, my answer came out a little bit different each time, but it always covered the points that I wanted to make. I ensured that each time, I came across as confident and enthusiastic when I delivered my pitch. This for sure was going to make the panel to believe in me — my abilities and my commitment.

I was certain that if I project confidence, I will more likely make a strong impression. As for enthusiasm, I knew that true passion for the work required was a pretty compelling selling point. Yes, experience and qualifications were important, but I equally knew that the right attitude could definitely give me an edge over those with similar professional backgrounds. And so while in the interview room that blessed day, I blew them off balance when I told them:

“Well, I have all of the skills and experience that you’re looking for and I’m confident that I would be a superstar in this project management role. It’s not just my background of leading successful projects for top organizations —  or my people skills, which have helped me develop great relationships with top funding organizations and those who matter in the international development arena. But I’m also passionate about this sector and I’m driven to deliver high-quality work.”

My words were confirmation that I had a lot of confidence and was able to concisely sum up how I meet the position’s top requirements (project management experience, relationship and team skills). I knew however that my answer was a little bit general and could perhaps be further strengthened with examples (describing a successful project, naming one of those top organizations, offering evidence of those great relationships).

Now you know exactly what it takes to crush any interview team and why I was and is the best. The good news is that you can do even better if you are committed to it and give it all your passion.

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