Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Just As It Happened

Dear lovely people,

That morning, it was Joy’s plan to surprise her husband and the lady. She left home early before her husband and telling him she will not be back before 8:00 PM. Off she went and from their bedroom window upstairs, her husband confirmed it. Joy drove on for about 20 minutes, stopping by a bakery to get all what she needed. She branched off and onto a secondary road, stiltedly headed back home. She got to her newly found hideout just opposite their millennium mansion and settled down to wait for the right moment to pounce.

Thirty minutes later, she watched her husband come out of their front door and drove off. As expected, he drove back home being followed by a black sedan about an hour later while Joy was still on the spot munching a chunk of banana cake. The two cars pulled up side by side in front of their main entrance and the long awaited lady stepped out of the black sedan. She had this fluffy hairdo falling to her shoulders and dangling in rhythm to her curvy body. Joy could tell she was quiet a figure to look at. Her husband embraced her and holding hands, they both walked into the house.

Joy gave them no time, she winged into action like an FBI agent and was over to the house in no time. She bummed into the sitting room unannounced and just in time to find her husband still buried in the skintight embrace of the woman. Joy rushed over to them like a thunderbolt to welcome her mother-in-law. What did you expect?

I got you right? What did you expect? That there will be a clash of titans? It must not always be a negative ending dear one. Are you disappointed? Calm your nerves? Maybe it’s time to edit the functioning of your mind such that you just follow the story as it unfolds without jumping ahead to expect a particular line of action on the part of the protagonist. This is exactly what holds down many people from attaining the very success they seek in life.

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