Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Dream in the Present Tense

Dear lovely people,

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” - Calvin Coolidge

What does it mean to dream in the present tense? If you thought that was not possible, let’s learn from Vero’s story…

From the shade of the giant tree at the summit of the village hill, Vero was enjoying the amazing scenery, the undulating hills, the reflections from the winding streams far below and the greenery was unbelievably beautiful.   The serenity of the hilly environment was soothing to her body and spirit but that was not all she had come there to do. With eyes closed, Vero was working on getting herself totally relaxed by breathing in and out slowly, feeling the oxygenated air filling and leaving her lungs for over five minutes.

Vero went up the hills that afternoon to write how she wants her life to be. She was convinced that writing and imagining with emotion is so powerful to anybody’s subconscious mind. Once she felt relaxed, she started writing in her notebook. Her opening sentence was very interesting “I am so grateful now that I have brought myself to focus on the important things I want in life.” Before long, she was on the fifth page of her notebook and the amazing thing was that she was writing everything as though it is happening in her life at that very moment. She actually let herself to feel it and so she kept on writing not wanting to stop writing. She was writing in as much detail as she could. At the end of what seemed like an hour of writing her life story, she started re-reading it over and over, a few times out loud slowly and with feeling.

In Vero’s story, she demonstrates that she clearly understands the power of writing her dream in the present tense. The simple act of re-reading her write-up over and over, feeling every bit of it equally programs her mind to start attracting those circumstances to herself through events and people. You might have heard or read about the law of attraction, if not you better read it.

After you write your life story or dream just like Vero did make it a point of duty to read your story and affirmations once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and a few times at night before you go to bed. This is the powerful prescription that will work the magic. The important point to remember as you read it over and over is that all of it needs to be done with the feeling that it is already happening in your life. If your written dream is to own a house, you actually have to feel and visualize yourself already reading in that house. That is the only way you will change your old archetype.

If you can bring yourself to do this for 21 days straight without skipping, you are well on your way to achieving it. You must NOT skip a day because that is how long it takes for the wiring in the brain to be changed to what you actually want. If you skip a single day, you will have to start all over again and have to repeat it as long as you skip a day. Persistence is the key to having this work.

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