Tuesday, March 6, 2012

To Your Success !!!

Dear loving people,

Unlike the other days, here is a very short note full of power for your inner enrichment.

No one in life sets out to fail, our principal objective and motivation in doing anything is that we are going to succeed. But how many people think of this from the outset? Consciously planning not to fail from the very moment you set out on an adventure can make all the difference you need.

This might have been the thinking of Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) when he said “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.”

Do you know that planning not to fail is a strong ingredient of good leadership? It humbles you up and makes you a pacesetter. This explains why I strongly agree with Henry Miller (1891-1980) when he said “The real leader has no need to lead - he is content to point the way.”

Pointing the way to others can only happen when you are strategic in your approach and become a risk taker. In your personal life and in the process of your quest for greatness, you are bound to overcome adversities. Such and experience empowers you to be able to help others to avoid your pitfalls. In support of this, George S. Patton (1885-1945) says “Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash.)

Isn’t this good food for the mind? I often say that internal transformation is a requisite process for profound success in life, the choice is yours.

To your success

1 comment:

  1. It is elating and inspiring to see people being motivated daily. The motivational guru Zig Ziglar was once told that motivation doesn’t last. He responded that bathing equally doesn’t last, that is why he recommends it daily.
