Thursday, February 7, 2013

Wake Up! It’s Within Your Power

Dear loving people,

How is it that you are being requested to wake up when actually you might be awake and kicking? Waking up can mean waking up from sleep, it can equally mean being honest with yourself and not allowing yourself to get lazy in your thinking. You need to stop making excuses for not doing whatever it is you want to and have to do. You rather have to actively figure out the best ways to make it actually happen, as well as not lying to yourself about what you're capable of and what you can actually do.

The Bible says in Ephesians 5:14 “Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light” As children of God, we are sometimes asleep, and need awakening; of the nature, causes, and ill consequences of such sleeping, and of the methods by which they are sometimes awaked out of it. 

Living saints who at sometimes fine themselves among dead sinners need to arise from among them, and quit their company. The company of dead sinners is infectious and dangerous; it is a means of hardening in sin, and of grieving of the people of God, who observe it. By abstaining from their company, a testimony is borne against sin, and conviction is struck into the minds of sinners themselves. God is pleased with those who come out from among sinners and promises to receive them.

Do you want to live your dreams? Then then you have to stop living in your dreams and wake up. Daydreaming about that new job, or new house or huge bank account isn’t going to fall into your lap no matter how hard you visualize and desire it. You can dream all you want but dreams are always made in reality.

The first step to waking up is acknowledging that you are 100% responsible for where you are in your life right now. Yes! You heard me right and I know that’s a difficult pill to swallow for many, but it’s also very liberating. You might have created (consciously or subconsciously) your current problems or a life you don’t want now, but you have the power and the ability to turn that around. It’s within your power.

The second step is to take action. You can’t just visualize and manifest your new reality. You’ve got to work towards it. Visualization techniques help as do vision boards, but setting aside an hour or two to work on your goals each day instead of doing unconscious activities (like watching TV or wasting time arguing on who the highest paid footballer in the world is) will speed up your success much quicker.

Life gets hard sometimes and it’s easy to slip into a pattern of dreaming about how we wish things were. But a goal will never be a reality unless we wake up and make it happen.

Take Action: Take a one-week television fast. Spend the time that you would usually watch TV (or to argue aimlessly) and do something productive toward living your dream life. Work on your artwork, start a business, shoot a movie, finish that screenplay. Instead of watching TV and putting your mind to sleep, wake up and put your success in motion!

Paul Valery says “the best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up

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