Sunday, August 3, 2014

Don’t Delay Action On Your Dreams

Dear Loving People,
It’s most probable you have come across this 16th century proverb "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride." Why do you think its still lingering in common parlance till date? Its because, it succinctly depicts the billions of passive dreams many a people have resigned to. The proverb suggests that it is useless to simply fold your arms and wish for our world to transform. The bottom-line truth whether we like it or not is that better results can only be achieved through concrete action. Why not and of course, if wishing could make things happen, then even the most destitute people on earth would have everything they wanted.
Dreaming of the life you want is essentially good because if you don’t have a specific dream or aim in life, you’ll be less likely to take action on anything. The complication comes however, when you dream and do noting about that dream on a daily bases so simply put, stop delaying action on your dreams.

Some years back, I attended a workshop facilitated by a medical Anthropologist, she so talked about her field and social science in general that I decided it was time for me to become a Medical Anthropologist.  Despite the fact that I was so obsessed with this new idea, three years passed by and all I did was read about it and did nothing more so my dream remained just a whish until the time when I finally enrolled in the University to study and specializing in Medical Anthropology. I started feeling good, but not because I was heading towards realizing my dream. I felt good because I was finally taking action on something I wanted to do, instead of just going through the motions.

I realized that the time to begin working on your dreams is always RIGHT NOW. If there is a good reason why you can’t do it now then the best time is as soon as humanly possible. It’s normal for us to delay our dreams, to put them off by some measure of days. But those days inevitably become weeks, then months, then years, then a lifetime.

We tell ourselves, “I’ll just get any available job even if I don’t like it for a while before searching for the job I really want” or, “I will wait to have enough capital before starting my dram business” or “I want to a music career, but I know my family won’t approve.”

It’s natural for us to delay our dreams. We think that there will somehow be more fertile ground and more opportune timing in the future, so we feel comfortable perpetually pushing them off because we don’t have to risk failure.
The thing is, we have no idea what the future will be like, but we know one thing: now is the exact perfect time to start. Now is the only time there is to start working on your dreams. Make something happen. To create change in our lives and move forward in achieving personal success, we must take action. 

We can spend our entire lives dreaming, thinking, planning and preparing to accomplish our goals, but without action, those goals and dreams will never be anything more than a desire. It is true that we must first know what it is that we want to accomplish before we can move forward but in order to get from point A to point B, our success essentially comes down to acting on our knowledge and plans and taking the steps necessary to move forward. By taking action, we create the movement that is necessary to make things happen.

Saying you are going to do something and actually doing something are two different things. Life is not just about how talented you are or how knowledgeable you are, but how you take all of that skill in your craft and dedicate the necessary time to move it forward. The process is never easy and if it were easy then everyone would be able to do it, so why in the hell should it be so special? 

It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but your time is limited; you are eventually going to die. The average human being lives 80 years, when you start looking at it like that, you realize how fast this life is really going to pass you by. If you don’t start now, chances are you’re just going to keep delaying your dreams. 

Why not start now.

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