Monday, January 14, 2013

Face Your Difficultires Boldly

Dear loving people,

One of the only ways to grow in whatever area you choose is to develop a strong problem-solving strategy. It could be very difficult to evolve if you are fear challenges. Isaac Asimov said “It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly. When you face your challenges boldly in the face by solving the problems they generate, success becomes easy.
The strategy for solving problems almost always includes five steps irrespective of the angle from which you tackle the particular problem. Let’s examine these steps:
1.      Identify the problem: Firstly you need to identify and name the problem so that you can find an appropriate solution. While there might be numerous problems in your life, but you must be able to focus and pinpoint the problem that you are really passionate about finding a solution to. In my case, I had to think about what my purpose in life was and my passions. This took me back to school when I was greatly impacted by development work in Africa.

2.    Research the problem: You have to see the problem clearly enough to determine what action you are going to take. Getting a clear view of the problem may take considerable research. You aren’t going to be able to effectively fight against something until you have a good idea of what you’re fighting against. Doing your homework also focuses your sense of urgency and compassion; it helps you define what you object to about the problem. I know the more I researched on the issues surrounding development work in Africa, the more passionate I became about social science and finding and implementing development solutions.

3.    Identify solutions: Next you need to identify all the potential solutions before deciding which one(s) you want to implement. The more possible solutions you find the more likely it is that you will be able to discover an effective solution. You can brain-storm for ideas. The purpose of brain-storming is to collect together a long list of possibilities. It does not matter whether the ideas are useful or practical or manageable: just write down the ideas as they come into your head. Talk to other people and get their ideas. The aim is to collect as many alternative solutions as possible.

4.    Select a possible solution: From the list of possible solutions you can sort out which ones are realistic and manageable. Some smaller solutions actually lead to bigger ones. Think about the outcomes to possible solutions and also check with other people what they think the outcomes may be. When you have explored the consequences, you can use this information to identify the solution which is most likely to have the best outcomes. The light bulb comes on!

5.     Implement the solution: Once you have selected a possible solution you are ready to put it into action. You will need to have energy and motivation to do this because implementing the solution will take a lot of time and effort. Begin by planning a strategy which will include goals, policies, programs, actions, decisions and allocation of resources.

Problem solving is bridging the gap between where you are and where you want to be, what you see and what you want to see, who you are and who you want to be.

You can problem solve anytime you experience a challenge or have a goal to achieve. You can use the problem solving model to look for solutions to concerns connected with your study or other aspects of your life. You can take the problem solving steps by yourself, with a friend or others. Problem solving with others is often very effective because you have access to a wide variety of viewpoints and potential solutions. The problem solving model is a useful resource for you to utilize in all aspects of your life and when dealing with challenging situations.

Remember, your success rests in part on tapping into the public capacity for compassion and being able to get others involved.

If you require further assistance, please make an appointment with Living Lectures.


  1. This is a good article worth reading by anyone who wishes to climb the rungs of life.

  2. This is so awesome.Thanks to this article I can now do most of the things I couldn`t do because of fear.I think these 5 steps are ideal for facing our fears and challenging them.

  3. This is so awesome.After applying these 5 ideal steps in my life,I discovered that I could face my fears and overcome them without really having to stress out myself.
