Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Bound for Success

Dear loving people,

When you look at your past and future, what is the one thing you would say is your purpose on earth? “Men are born to succeed, not to fail” says Henry David Thoreau. Research shows that much of our predisposition towards determination, sociability and self-control and sense of purpose is in our genes and so some scientists now believe that some people are born a success.

My one purpose on earth is to develop the capacity to make all that I touch turn into gold for the people I was created to serve. In order to do this, I learn each day from those I consider my models, those who have made it big in different spheres so that I can become like them and why not more.

Every successful person can be a model for others but the people who I find most intriguing are those who’ve overcome extreme adversity, bucked a trend, or had the courage to take an unconventional path. President Nelson Mandela did all those things.

I hear so often that "America is the land of opportunity” I push it further than that in my thinking that every country on earth is a land of opportunity for those who take hold of them. I was born into this world with empty pockets, a head filled with dreams and a desire to succeed and so I tell people all the time that if you believe in yourself, if you believe in a world of infinite opportunities, you can do anything. Pump yourself full of energy and excitement, dare to dream big, take action and nothing will stop you from achieving your goals.

“No one is going to hand me success. I must go out & get it myself. That’s why I’m here. To dominate. To conquer. Both the world, and myself.” — Unknown

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