Monday, February 1, 2016

You Have It All

Dear lovely people,

Do you belief me when I say you have it all? From childhood, I wanted to be a Medical Doctor and made it known to all. Everybody around me called me Dr. My father told me what it will take to be one and so I gave it my best shot. But something happened midway during my secondary school days. I was at the accident ward in a hospital one day and saw a lot of blood. What I saw there that day, changed everything. It became clear to me that I had to think of another profession, geology was my second choice and so I switched.

When I left the university, I worked with an NGO – Gold Touch International where I was exposed to social issues and the world of development projects. Though I later on had a job in the Chad-Cameroon Pipeline project – one of Africa’s largest petroleum infrastructure development project, my newfound love for the social sciences did not leave me and so I resigned from my company at some point and found my way into UNICEF. That move at some point let me to undertake a multiyear tiresome study program for a Masters in Anthropology, then Project management and Monitoring and Evaluation.

Whether as an Anthropologist, Project Manager, or M&E Professional, I am sure I have and still perform excellently since then. You may like to know that I am currently studying for another Masters in Analysis and Evaluation of Economic Development programs. What is the point here? Despite all difficulties you face, you can become anything you want in life if you put your bones and brains to it and give it time.

Why is it so? It’s simple! You have it all coded in you by God himself as skills, gifts, blessings call it what you want. The Psalmist confirms it when he says in Psalm 139:13 “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.” At birth, you have it all in you and the rest is 80% your personal effort at using the gifts to become what you want in life.

You will never become a successful business man for example if God did not destine you to become one. More importantly, if you don’t pull yourself through the huddles in life that MUST come your way to make that destiny come true, you will never get there. God said in Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." If Jeremiah did not give-in to God’s call, he would never have become a prophet to the nations.

Because you have it all, you should have courage to take the dive off the often dangerous cliffs of life in order to chase your dreams and why not? In any case, you have it all coded in you. Use it the right way so God will bless your motives.

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