Monday, February 29, 2016

The Resolute Ant

Dear lovely people,

In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart's content. An Ant passed by; bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking to the nest.

"Why not come and chat with me," said the Grasshopper, "instead of toiling and moiling in that way?"

"I am helping to lay up food for the winter," said the Ant, "and recommend you to do the same."

"Why bother about winter?" said the Grasshopper; "We have got plenty of food at present." But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil.

When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food and found itself dying of hunger - while it saw the ants distributing every day corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer. Then the Grasshopper knew: It is best to prepare for days of need.

It is equally good to prepare for days of affluence and that is what working for your success is about. When you make plans to work for a prosperous future, you have to act on those plans daily such that when the time comes, you will rip from what you’ve sown.

You have to remember at all times that once you set out to work for such a future, you will have numerous grasshopper-like friends and other distractions lined up to derail you and if you are not resolute, foresighted and determined like the little ant, you will wallow in dejection, self-pity, pain, regret and poverty like the lazy grasshopper when time of need comes while some o your friends who were steadfast to the right course, live in bounty and distribute their blessings to others.

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