Friday, February 6, 2015

Jump into the Rain if You Have to Make It

Dear loving people,

Tekinda got up that morning feeling on top of the world; he was all-smiles as he gaped at the mirror on his wife’s vanity table. His smile broadened even more as he nodded to himself. His brand-new 3-piece suit was nothing less that perfect on him. In fact, he loved the way it folded along with his natural contours.

Satisfied with his dressing, he headed for the door and just as he grasped the door handle, he came to an abrupt stop and looked towards the ceiling in total disbelief, a terrifying lightening sent bright rays through the windows and lighted up the room, then came a mind-blowing thunder accompanied by torrential rain.

Peeping through the window of his sitting room, it was clear to Tekinda that he will not be able to make it in time. I met a completely dejected Tekinda that afternoon; he was filled with rage for having missed a recruitment interview. He had been job-hunting for the last three months and here was the first opportunity that just went down the drain, he arrived fifteen minutes late for the interview and was sent off.

I asked Tekinda a question; are you angry at your improper preparations, the rains, the lost opportunity or the time conscious interview panel? Behold, he was speechless. You see, most of the time; we leave the object and go chasing the shadow. If Tekinda my friend badly needed that job, and translated his desire into action, he would have tried all options and if it all came to the worse, he would have jumped into the rains. Yes you heard me right and why not? He must have thought like many other people that just for the simple reason he so badly needed a job, the universe was just going to align with him without minimal effort on his part. No way! All research on earth concord with the universal rule, which states that there is no free lunch. What you get out of life must equal your level of effort.

Tekinda did not do his homework well. If he did, he would have realized it’s the rainy season thus; he should have made arrangements for an umbrella or should have arranged for a cab to pick him up early.

How many times have you been in a similar situation? Instead of evaluating it, learning from it such that you do better next time, you retreat to a corner in total dejection. When you do that, you simply reinforce the guarantee that the next time, you might repeat the same mistakes or do worse.

How many people do you know who desire to be rich, who want to step onto the higher grounds of individual achievement but turn around each day and either do those things that rather distance them from what they so desire or do nothing at all? How is it possible that you want success but you are not ready to pay the price? Get it from me today if you have not already, every single major achievement in life, has a price tag on it.

“You say you love rain, but you use an umbrella to walk under it. You say you love sun, but you seek shelter when it is shining. You say you love wind, but when it comes you close your windows. So that's why I'm scared when you say you love me” says Bob Marley.

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