Monday, February 2, 2015

Success Lessons From 2014 - Part 11 - Trust Things Will Turn in Your Favor

Dear loving people,

One of the best prayers that we could ever pray is “God, not my will, but Your will be done.” If you will stay open to His direction, and follow your heart, for sure, God will protect you. So sweet isn’t it? So then, what if you believed that everything in your life was happening for your greater good?  That you couldn’t go wrong? That even in the face of adversity, the universe was colluding in your favor? This however, doesn’t mean that we eventually get everything that we think we want in this moment. That tends to require settling for a smaller version of our life’s ultimate purpose.

Get me right here! Things always make sense in retrospection. When we look back on our lives, we can see that we went through the exact challenges that were necessary to allow growth in the precise way that we most needed it. Our personal struggles led us exactly where we really wanted to go but didn’t know it at the time. I’ve seen people jump into a relationship or a business deal that they didn’t feel good about, but they wanted it so badly. God is a gentleman. If you insist, He will back off and let you do things your way. Most of the time when we do that, though, we end up settling for second best.

Here is the trick; you have to muster unbelievable amounts of enthusiasm most of the times. Having an attitude of gratitude really does go a long way. If you want something in life you have to will it. You have to open a layer in the Universe that is going to take into consideration your request and to do this you have to be positive. Enthusiasm, a good attitude and sincere excitement go a long way in this world. If you’re thankful and show it, if you don’t think you can say thank you enough, if you always remember that all the pieces have to fall into place JUST SO, then 100% more wonderful things will happen to you.

Some of the times however, all might not be well. If events are not happening as quickly as you would like, or if you are not seeing circumstances change in your favor, open your grip on the situation; relax and learn to trust God. Know this: God is on your side. He is not trying to hold you back. Nobody wants you to fulfill your destiny more than Almighty God. Nobody wants you to see your dreams come to pass any more than He does. He put the dream in your heart in the first place. Let Him lead you and guide you.

Joel Osteen puts it another way “You may be going through great difficulties, and you’re tempted to think, I’m never going to get out of this. This is never going to change. I’m never going to win this situation. Stand strong. When negative thoughts come, reject them.”

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