Thursday, June 2, 2016

Time To Close Some Doors

Dear lovely people,

It was a Saturday morning, one of my favorite days. It was drizzling, loving the effect on my body, I walked through the bushes to this amazing scenario around a cascade behold! I saw one of the most beautiful fully formed rainbow of my life. It blended with the scene in all magnificence. It got me thinking about my article on Living Lectures: Be a Rainbow.

There I sat, letting the wordings of that article run through my mind in rhythm with the sound of the waterfall then it downed on me that we cannot talk about the significance of the rainbow without mentioning the Bible. In the Bible, the word Rainbow is mentioned in the book of Genesis, Revelation and also the Book of Ezekiel.

In Genesis, a rainbow appears right after the great worldwide flood brought in order to remove sinful and evil-minded man from the earth. It symbolized God's mercy and the covenant He made with Noah (representing mankind) not to destroy the world in such a way again.

To the best of my knowledge and I dare you to challenge me, God has kept that covenant. The word covenant has 321 occurrences in the Bible. Using covenants is how God communicates to us, redeems us, and guarantees us eternal life in Jesus. He does this because a covenant is a promise, and God's promises cannot be broken since they rest in His infinite, pure character.

Now, take a good look at mankind, take a good look at yourself, where do you stand with your covenants? I mean your promises? We are so used to not keeping our promises to the extent that we don’t keep the promises we made to ourselves. How many times have you promised yourself a better life, a great life and then do nothing about it? How many times have you given up on a noble course you promised yourself to undertake in order to better off your life and the lives of your loved ones?

Today might just be that day you decided to take the hard decisions. Sometimes there are some decisions hard but the longer it takes the more it hurts, so you have to muster all your guts and take that decision.

Whatever is holding you back, I beseech you to “close some doors. Not because of Pride, incapacity or arrogance, but simply because they no longer lead somewhere.”

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