Thursday, March 31, 2016

I Will Sail to Shore

Dear lovely people,

Come shine come rain, I will sail to shore. So as I set out to carve a place for me in the world of achievements…
I know I am filled with hope
I know I am armed with plans
I know I am loaded with dreams

I equally know it will not be just a smooth ride to the finish line, rough days are ahead of me because…
There are people who will betray me
There are people who will laugh at me
There are people who will undercut me

I choose to forge ahead with conviction and without fear knowing that
While some will undercut me, others will uplift me
While some will betray me, others will stand by me
While some will laugh at me, others will support me

I choose to move on no matter how rough the road gets
I choose to surround myself with the people who celebrate me
I know that those who get to shore are focused on the lighthouse not the waves

There is hope for tomorrow so, I will sail out like I have never done before. The waves could get wild as they can but they will calm down at some point in time. I will face the waves with bravery for I see a glitter of light from the lighthouse. 

I will sail to shore not because I am the best sailor, but because I am willing to risk it all for what I believe in, my dreams.

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