Wednesday, June 3, 2015

I Believe in Struggle

Dear lovely people,

What I know is that some things in life cannot be reversed. I got to this realization after a weekend I spent in my village of origin sometime in 2013. Thinking that there was no part of the village that I did not know, I wondered into the forests on a quest and guess what! I got lost. After unsuccessfully trying to trace my way back for over two hours, it dawned on me that there really was no choice. I realized that the only way out was to go through the forest. Too bad but the only option. I had practically no exit strategy and no way to quit because in any case, I was already in the forest and lost.

The lesson learned: When you’ve set a goal for yourself, you have to continue forward until you’re done no matter how depressing it might sound. All of us are on quests in one form or another. Some can quit, while others cannot. If you’re on the path to something you’re pretty sure you don’t want to be doing, may I suggest you stop immediately? Because you are wasting your life. You will die, no one will care, or even know, about all the suffering you went through.

For every path you chose to walk in life, you have two options. You have to face the challenges that are certain to come your way or quit altogether. Success is like the tip of the tail! If a cat runs to catch the tail. It has to keep running forever. But if it walks in its own style. The tail follows naturally! Live life with your own rules....

When you decide to face the challenges that come at you, it has to be along the path you have chosen. If you do not GO after what you want, you will never have it. If you do not ASK, the answer will always be NO. If you do not take a step FORWARD, you will ALWAYS be in the same place.

Don't keep seeing others doing better than you. Beat your own records every day because success is a fight between YOU and YOURSELF and success is for the one that wins. Always remember that in life, there is no royal road to success, but when you brave it all and success comes, every road becomes royal.

Best wishes for those who believe in Struggle!

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