Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Bitter Side of Success

Dear lovely people,

To be successful you have to stay inspired. Inspiration is the fuel that powers the engine of your soul. Inspiration is what you lose just after you stop looking for it. Invest in your heart and soul, this might include going for a new set of friends, yes you got me right. Actually going for those who are ready to hit the rough road like you or who are already doing well.

However, there's one problem with seeing success this way and you need to be aware of it. It's true that talent and hard work will help you get ahead, but you have to understand that success is a result of the product of many factors, a system if you like. Our culture, our parents, our friends, our environment, our attitudes, our values, the lessons in life, all contribute to how successful you become in life. Let me give some examples: successful people don't rely on the approval of others to pursue goals, causes or callings; Successful people don't define success as the significant achievement of wealth, fame or power; rather, they define it as the ability to do something that is meaningful; to make a difference and create lasting impact for the good of others; being engaged in a life of personal fulfillment; being happy and creating positive strong relationships you get the point? Successful people take action despite social pressures, rather than because of them; they are more committed to doing what they love than being loved by others.

To be successful, you’re going to have to adjust goals and occasionally abandon what you thought was a great idea. That doesn’t mean that you failed at the original goal, it means that you were smart enough to redirect that energy in a positive manner. You might have realized it after listening to feedback from your close circles, or you may have come up with it yourself. No matter how it happens, you constantly evolve to do the things you have to do in a better way — that is success.

Sound familiar? It’s easy especially for the failure-prone people to look at people who are successful and envy their success. So we say, “Yeah, he was born with a golden spoon in the mouth,” about a friend who makes it to a new heights, or, “Yeah, but he’s a slave to his schedule,” about a friend who achieves multiple goals, or even, “Yeah, but he took on way too much risk when he started his company,” about another entrepreneur.

But that’s how success works. Those who go heights all the times do it because they work tirelessly on their plans. Successful people are successful because they work incredibly hard sometimes taking it all over to correct course. People whose personalities mesmerizes crowds, have put time and effort into building such personalities.

Nothing worth achieving comes without a price. To begrudge those who pay the price is unfair. To be unwilling to pay the price will always result in failure. The next time you consider a goal you want to achieve, decide if you really want to pursue that goal. If the answer is yes, the rest isn’t easy but it is simple.

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